These are just a few introductory examples of using the Artoo framework.
All of the current examples are intended to work with a Sphero. To use these you will first need to bluetooth pair the Sphero to your Mac/Linux/PC and then use the gort utility to scan for the serial adapter that is created. (I have only tested this on Mac).
key_driven.rb connects to a Sphero and allows the user to drive it with the keyboard.
random.rb is a basic implementation of a random walk and will change direction and color when it collides with something.
api.rb sets up a Sphero connection/device and then starts an artoo web server. That's all it does! But from there you can control the Sphero using the REST API making standard HTTP GET/POST requests. I have included a couple of curl examples to illustrate how this works.
WebSockets are also supported by Artoo, but I have not tried them out yet.