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Releases: bird-house/finch


13 Feb 18:42
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  • Allowed for the use of four (4) emissions scenarios in the ensemble_percentiles process.


20 Jan 16:24
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  • Added support for Birdhouse Helper Bot (for bumping versions).
  • CI Actions and Python dependencies are now pinned to commit hashes.
  • Permissions have been set and restricted as needed for all workflows.
  • Pinned cf-xarray below v0.9.3.
  • Reformatted and renamed CHANGES.rst to CHANGELOG.rst.
  • Dropped support for Python 3.8 and 3.9. The supported versions are now Python 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.
  • black has been updated to v2024.10.0, and coding conventions have been updated to Python3.10+.
  • Several dependencies now are pinned to baseline versions, including anyascii, dask, ipython, matplotlib, nbsphinx numpy, and sphinxcontrib-bibtex.
  • Added xscen dependency. Now used in spatial averaging of ensemble processes.
  • Updated the build system to use flit v3.9.0 (PEP 517 and PEP 621). Several configuration files have been migrated to pyproject.toml and .flake8.
  • finch now uses a src-based layout for the package. The finch package is now located in the src directory.
  • The pre-commit configuration has been updated to use pre-commit v3.5.0. Several hooks have been added, including pygrep-hooks (security fixes), ruff (code formatting), and vulture (dead code).
  • Documentation examples now build without warnings. ReadTheDocs is now configured to fail_on_warning.
  • xclim has been updated to v0.52.2.
  • Modernized the documentation to reflect recent changes.
  • Added pylint to the linting checks and pre-commit steps.
  • Added deployment workflows for PyPI and TestPyPI.
  • Synchronized more dependencies.


25 Jun 22:16
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  • Replaced unidecode with anyascii due to a licensing issue.
  • Synchronized some dependencies across build systems.
  • Added a workaround in wps_geoseries_to_netcdf to handle a pandas v2.0 behaviour change.


25 Mar 19:53
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  • Renamed the installed package from finch to birdhouse-finch.
  • First release of the birdhouse-finch package on PyPI.
  • Versioning now adheres to SemVer v2.0.0.
  • Added a Makefile recipe to the repository to evaluate notebooks while ignoring the output cells.
  • Cleaned up documentation to facilitate easier navigation.
  • Slightly reorganized the documentation for easier navigation.
  • Fast-forwarded the cookiecutter.
  • Fixed the to add all necessary files to wheel.
  • Removed references to files that have never existed (apidoc).
  • Cleaned up the setup code.
  • Added more files to be ignored in the .gitignore and in the


20 Dec 20:56
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  • Fixed a bug that occurred when fixing a broken cftime-index with newer cftime versions.
  • Placed pins on xarray and pandas to prevent future errors from changes to frequency codes.


23 Aug 16:36
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  • Updated ReadTheDocs to use the new mambaforge version (2022.9).
  • Addressed calls in GitHub Action usage that were emitting warnings.
  • Updated to include and exclude the relevant files for the source distribution.
  • Modified the to only include the files necessary in the wheel.
  • Updated AUTHORS.rst to list more contributors.
  • Removed namespace file ( from tests to ensure that they aren't treated like an importable package.
  • Updated pre-commit hooks.
  • Sorted software requirements for legibility.
  • Removed Travis-CI shell script.


27 Jul 21:03
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  • Added a Docker-based testing suite to the GitHub Workflows.
  • Added a wider range of Python versions to test against in the GitHub Workflows.
  • Migrated conda-build action from mamba-org/provision-with-micromamba to mamba-org/setup-micromamba.
  • Cleaned up the Dockerfile. Docker now pip-installs finch directly from the GitHub repository.
  • Finch now explicitly supports Python3.11.
  • Pinned Python below 3.12 on conda and removed pin on pint for ReadTheDocs builds.
  • Added a GitHub Workflow to bump the version number and to create tags from the version bumping process on dispatch.
  • Added a pre-commit hook for validating the ReadTheDocs configuration and GitHub Workflows.


19 Jun 13:09
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  • Update to xclim 0.43.0.
  • Added xclim yml module support
    • Added humidex days above calculation via yml module
    • Reimplmented streamflow indicators via yml module (adjust for xclim 0.41 breaking changes)
  • Fixed bug for CanDCS-U6 ensemble "26models" list
  • Passing an empty string to ensemble_percentiles in ensemble processes will return the merged un-reduced ensemble. The different members are listed along the realization coordinates through raw names allowing for basic distinction between the input members.


04 Nov 18:50
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  • Generalize ensemble datasets configuration.
    • Datasets usable by ensemble processes are now specified through a YAML file which is pointed to in the configuration.
    • As a consequence processes are generated according to the available variables. Similarly for the allowed values of some inputs on these processes.
    • The output name now includes the dataset name (if a custom name was not specified).
    • finch.processes.xclim was removed, there is no static module of processes.
    • Input "rcp" has been renamed to "scenario".
    • Input "dataset_name" has been fixed and renamed to "dataset".
  • Update to xclim 0.38.0.
  • Improved subset_grid_point_dataset & subset_bbox_dataset performance when using local files.


07 Jul 19:08
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Bug fix release.

  • Avoid using a broken version of libarchive in the Docker image.