Clojure client for the Airbrake API
(require '[clj-airbrake.core :as airbrake])
(def airbrake-config ..)
(def request {:context {:url ""
:component "foo"
:action "bar"
:headers {"SERVER_NAME" "nginx", "HTTP_USER_AGENT" "Mozilla"}}
:params {"city" "LA", "state" "CA"}
:session {"user-id" "23"}})
(def exception (try (throw (Exception. "Foo")) (catch Exception e e)) ; throw to get a stacktrace
;; blocking notify
(airbrake/notify airbrake-configuration exception request)
=> {:error-id 42 :id 100 :url ""}
;; async notify
(airbrake/notify-async airbrake-configuration (fn [resp] ...) exception request)
;; wrapper shorthand
(airbrake/with-airbrake airbrake-configuration
;; your code goes here
Note: notify
and notify-async
use http-kit to send the notice. To avoid possible deadlocks with other requests when sending the notice (see issue #30), we create our own threadpool for http-kit to use rather than using the default threadpool.
Below is an example of the airbrake-configuration
:api-key "API_KEY" ;required
:project "PROJECT_ID" ;required
:host ;optional
:environment-name "env" ;optional
:root-dirctory "/app/dir" ;optional
:ignored-environments #{"test" "development"} ;optional but defaults to 'development' and 'test'
:sensitive-environment-variables [#"pass"] ;optional
:sensitive-params [#"pass"] ;optional
Both api-key
and project
can both be found in the settings for your project in the Airbrake website.
There are times that your environment and params may contain sensitive data (e.g. passwords) that you don't want sent to airbrake. We try to provide sensible defaults for this but can be configured throught the keys sensitive-environment-variables
and sensitive-params
. Both values are a vector of regexes that will be tested against the keys in your environment variable and params.
Unsurprisingly, passing the configuration to notify
for every single call could be painful. So a convinience macro is provided.
(def airbrake-config {:api-key "api-key" :project "project"})
(def-notify my-notify airbrake-config)
(my-notify (Exception. "Something went wrong."))
Notify is also overloaded so if you just pass the airbrake configuration it will return a function that can be used to send a notification.
Optionally you can pass a 3rd parameter to notify
and 4th parameter to notify-async
This parameter must be a map and will look for three keys in this map: session
, params
, and context
and params
are expected to be maps with any keys.
Context can contain the following keys:
:environment "" ; will default to `environment-name` from configuration
:rootDirectory "" ; will default to `root-directory` from configuration
:os "" ; will look up operating system
:language "" ; will default to "Clojure-1.7.0" (or whichever version of Clojure you're running)
:component ""
:action ""
:version ""
:url ""
:userAgent ""
:userId ""
:userUsername ""
:userName ""
:userEmail ""
More information about what can be passed to Airbrake can be found in the Airbrake documentation -
Basic support for Ring is provided in the clj-airbrake.ring
namespace: request parameters and session information are passed to Airbrake. A simple ring example:
(use 'ring.adapter.jetty)
(use 'ring.middleware.params)
(use 'ring.middleware.stacktrace)
(use 'clj-airbrake.ring)
(defn app [req]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body (throw (Exception. "Testing"))})
(run-jetty (-> app
(wrap-airbrake airbrake-configuration)
{:port 8080})
is available as a Maven artifact Clojars.
[[clj-airbrake "3.0.3"] ...]
Running the tests:
$ lein deps
$ lein test
- Param filtering. (e.g. automatically filter out any 'password' params)
Copyright (C) 2010 LeadTune and Ben Mabey
Released under the MIT License: