HA it is a proof of concept for scalable and fail proof archtecture development. Firts and main goal it's to build scalable and fail proof archtecture. Second goal is to help understand basics of Spring Cloud framework working with Netflix OSS.
HA is farm of services working in one or more networks. Each service is build with Maven and works thanks of Spring framework. For purpose of network simulation POC uses docker contenerization platform and docker-compose tool.
HA includes following services:
- Gateway - input endpoint taking HTTP request for processing in system
- Dispatcher - pass HTTP request to processing in system
- Service Register - allow for service discovery - the brain of scalability
- openjdk version "1.8.0_121"
- Docker version 1.12.3
- docker-compose version 1.8.1
- Linux
- Build docker image in each service directory:
./mvnw clean package docker:build
- Run services farm in docker compose directory
docker-compose up
- Send load balanced request
curl --data "value=value" http://localhost:8080/send
curl --data "value=value" http://localhost:8081/send