This repo contains code that I wrote for the SFPC's Recreating the Past course. In this course, we study computational art from the past decades and recreate these works with contemporary techniques to gain aesthetic, analytical and technical knowledge. The class is led by artist and SFPC co-founder Zach Lieberman.
Chaos and Order (Vera Molnar)
Animation and Harmony (John Whitney)
Computational Typography (Muriel Cooper / John Maeda)
Pattern (Bridgette Riley / Anni Albers)
Pixels (Ken Knowlton / Lillian F. Schwartz)
Images (Nancy Burson / Jason Salavon)
Body (Camille Utterback and Romy Achituv / Myron Krueger)
Glitch / Deformation (Rosa Menkman / Steina and Woody Vasulka)