This is a mini application which lets the user know which repositories got the highest number of starrings. Live demo:
-The app provide a basic authentication system with firebase
-The app provide a list of most starred repositories in Github
-The app provide a pagination system for repositories list
-The code is well structured and free of any ambiguity. It is easily readable for any vueJs developer. Hence, no need for a a lot of comments.
-I uploaded the project with firebase config, so it be easy for running.
axios: Make http requests and supports promises
firebase: allow the app to communicate with firebase
moment: allow developer to manipulate dates easily
vue-router: allow user to navigate between views
vue-spinner: A collection of loading spinners with Vue.js
vuex:It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev