This repository hosts a script that sends email notifications to the NDN weekly call mailing list.
A GitHub Actions workflow is configured to run every Thursday at 1 pm, the day before the call. (Work in progress)
Using the NDN Workspace app, follow the instructions on the main page to connect to the testbed. After receiving your testbed certificate, go to the Workspace tab and click Convert. Paste in the following trust anchor:
You should be connected to the ndn/weekly-call-doc workspace now. Paste in any issues you might have between the %START and %END comments in the Issues.xml file. Do not edit anywhere else.
When the workflow is run, those issues should show up in the weekly call email notification.
Clone the repository.
Run npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Create a new file .env in the project directory, based on .env.sample. Replace each variable with your personal testbed certificates and private keys, and those of the workspace you want to use.
If you are using a different workspace than ndn/weekly-call-doc, go into get_info.ts and replace 'c297195e-87d8-46ee-b475-61aa3d909989' on line 262 with the ID of the file you intend to use for testing.
Note: this will be updated soon to require a specific file name rather than file ID.
Set the email address and other email settings you want to use on line 298.
Run ./get_info_testbed.bash to send an email.