This bundle provides functionalty to genearte Typescript Interfaces from PHP-Class files (e.g. from an API View-Layer).
It is installed into a Symfony-Project via composer:
$ composer require --dev braune-digital/bd-php-to-ts-converter-bundle
Once required, the Generator-Command can be called via the symfony console:
$ bin/console bd:php-to-typescript-models-converter:convert [SOURCE_PATH] [TARGET_PATH]
- SOURCE_PATH is the path to the Directory with the View-Files
- TARGET_PATH is the path to the Directory where the Interfacs should be generated into
Only PHP-Classes in the SOURCE_DIR-Directory will be extracted, if they are marked with the ConvertToTypescriptModel-Annotation.
namespace My\Model\Ns;
use BrauneDigital\PhpToTypescriptConverterBundle\Annotation\ConvertToTypescriptModel;
* @ConvertToTypescriptModel()
class ModelClass {
public string $prop1;
public int $prop2;
public ?ClassName $prop3;
/** @var SpecialClass[] */
public array $prop4;
Will Generate:
import ClassName from './RelativePath/';
import SpecialClass from './RelativePath/special.class.ts';
interface ModelClass {
prop1: string;
prop2: number;
prop3?: ClassName;
prop4: SpecialClass[];
- Only public properies will be extracted.
- The usage of other classes is only possible, if they are within the Namespace of SOURCE_DIR.
The development of this Symfony-Bundle adheres to Semantic Versioning.
All changes are documented in the CHANGELOG.