Test using Cursor.AI as a development environment.
A simple project to test used different LLMs together in a colaborative fashion.
Generate riddles using multiple LLMs and test which LLM is the best at solving riddles.
You can install all dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you have your API keys set in your environment variables:
python run_competition.py
=== groq is asking riddles ===
Round 1
Riddle: In the heart of darkness, I shine bright. I'm not a flame, though I can be warm. I can be a beacon, but I'm not a light. What am I?
Correct Answer: A Star
openai answered: A star.
google answered: Hope
anthropic answered: Hope
Round 2
Riddle: What is 6 x 9 - 3?
Correct Answer: 51
Solution: 6 x 9 = 54, then subtract 3 to get 51
openai answered: 51
google answered: 45
anthropic answered: 51
=== openai is asking riddles ===
Round 1
Riddle: I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I?
Correct Answer: A joke
groq answered: Joke.
google answered: Joke
anthropic answered: A joke
Round 2
Riddle: What is 15 + 27?
Correct Answer: 42
Solution: Add the two numbers together: 15 + 27 = 42.
groq answered: 42
google answered: 42
anthropic answered: 42
=== google is asking riddles ===
Round 1
Attempt 1: Generated similar riddle, trying again...
Riddle: What is always coming, but never arrives?
Correct Answer: Tomorrow
groq answered: Tomorrow.
openai answered: Tomorrow.
anthropic answered: Tomorrow
Round 2
Riddle: What is 234 + 109?
Correct Answer: 343
Solution: Add the ones place: 4 + 9 = 13. Carry the 1 and add the tens place: 3 + 0 + 1 = 4. Add the hundreds place: 2 + 1 = 3.
groq answered: 343
openai answered: 343
anthropic answered: 343
=== anthropic is asking riddles ===
Round 1
Riddle: I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
Correct Answer: map
groq answered: A map.
openai answered: A map.
google answered: A map
Round 2
Riddle: What is 17 × 6 + 23?
Correct Answer: 125
Solution: 1. Multiply 17 × 6 = 102, 2. Add 23 to 102, 3. Result is 125
groq answered: 107
openai answered: 145
google answered: 127
Word Riddles Summary:
LLM Word Riddles Correct Total Questions Word Success Rate
groq 3 3.0 100.00
openai 3 3.0 100.00
google 2 3.0 66.67
anthropic 2 3.0 66.67
Math Riddles Summary:
LLM Math Riddles Correct Total Questions Math Success Rate
anthropic 3 3.0 100.00
groq 2 3.0 66.67
openai 2 3.0 66.67
google 1 3.0 33.33
Detailed results saved to riddle_competition_results.csv