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Ultra refined ESLint shareable config πŸ“œ

This package provides all-purpose, extensible ESLint config for ES2025+ syntax.
With an emphasis on readability and counterchecks against implicit code flaws.


For Windows machines:

  • Git with Unix tools β˜‘οΈ
npm config set script-shell "C:\\\Program Files\\\Git\\\bin\\\bash.exe"  
npm config ls -l | grep shell


npm install eslint-config-ultra-refined --save-dev

Install peer dependencies manually if needed.
You will see the prompt in the shell output upon installation.


In eslint.config.js file:

import ultraRefined from 'eslint-config-ultra-refined';

export default [
    ignores: ['dist'], // global ignores
  // your modifications
    rules: {
      // your modifications