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This is a flutter package that wraps the native iOS and Android Spotify "remote" SDKs as well as the Spotify Web Playback SDK for web. Since it wraps the native SDKs it has the same features and limitations.



This package is using both the spotify-app-remote sdk and spotify-auth library. The auth library is needed to get the access token to work with the web api.

From the Spotify Android SDK Quick Start. You need two things:

  1. Register your app in the spotify developer portal. You also need to create a sha-1 fingerprint and add this and your package name to the app settings on the dashboard as well as a redirect url.
  2. Follow the steps below for either Option A: Auto setup or Option B: Manual setup.

Option A: Auto setup

Use the provided setup script to automatically download the latest version of the spotify-app-remote sdk from GitHub and setup the gradle files inside your android project. Run the following command in the root folder of your flutter project.

dart run spotify_sdk:android_setup

Use the --help flag to see all available options.

Option B: Manual setup, instructions for Android Studio 4.2+

Download the current Spotify Android SDK. Here you need the `spotify-app-remote-*.aar``.

After you are all setup you need to add the SDKs `*.aar`` file to your Android Project as Module. See the Spotify Android SDK Quick Start for detailed information.

Since Android Studio 4.2 you need to manually perform these steps in order to add .jar/.aar files:

  1. Open the android folder of your flutter project as an Android Studio project

  2. In the android root folder create a single folder for spotify-app-remote, place the corresponding aar file and create an empty build.gradle file, like on the screenshot below: image

  3. Content of the spotify-app-remote/build.gradle file:

artifacts.add("default", file('spotify-app-remote-release-x.x.x.aar'))
  1. In the android root folder find settings.gradle file, open it and add the following line at the top of the file:
include ':spotify-app-remote'
  1. In the app/build.gradle add the following to the default config
defaultConfig {
        manifestPlaceholders = [redirectSchemeName: "spotify-sdk", redirectHostName: "auth"]


Register your app in the spotify developer portal. You also need to register your Bundle ID as well as a Redirect URI.

Follow the instructions in the section Setup the iOS SDK of Spotify iOS SDK Quick Start.


  1. Register your app in the spotify developer portal. You need to provide a redirect URL which points to a dedicated page on a website you own.

  2. Paste the following onto the webpage, which you linked to in your redirect URL.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Authenticating Spotify</title>
	<p>Please wait while we authenticate Spotify...</p>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		if(window.opener) {
			window.opener.postMessage('?' + window.location.href.split('?')[1], "*");
		} else {
  1. Optionally add this to your Flutter app web/index.html to avoid a Javascript TypeError: r.__extends is not a function error in development mode.
<script src=""></script>
  window.onSpotifyWebPlaybackSDKReady = (evt) => {};

You need Spotify Premium to access the Web SDK.


To start using this package first import it in your Dart file.

import 'package:spotify_sdk/spotify_sdk.dart';

To connect to the Spotify app you can call connectToSpotifyRemote(...) or getAccessToken(...). In both of these methods you need the client id, which you will find in the Spotify developer dashboard and the redirect url you set there for that specific client.

await SpotifySdk.connectToSpotifyRemote(clientId: "", redirectUrl: "")

Subscribe to PlayerState or PlayerContext streams only after connecting successfully


If you want to use the web api as well you have to use this method to get the access token. You can specify multiple scopes by separating them with a comma "," as shown below. For more information on scopes you can refer to Spotify Authorization Scopes Guide

final accessToken = await SpotifySdk.getAccessToken(clientId: "", redirectUrl: "", scope: "app-remote-control,user-modify-playback-state,playlist-read-private");

On Web you can use the token that you get from getAccessToken(...) and then pass it to connectToSpotifyRemote(...). This will avoid having to send user through two Spotify OAuth prompts. You should not persist this token, nor supply a different token, because the refresh token is only set interally by getAccessToken or connectToSpotifyRemote.

On iOS you can store the token that you get from getAccessToken(...) and then pass it to connectToSpotifyRemote(...) during the next session. This will avoid having to switch to the Spotify app for establishing the connection. This library does not handle storing the token. It is up to you to persist it wherever you see fit. Keep in mind that this feature is currently quite buggy in the native iOS SDK and has many side effects like random disconnections. Proceed with caution.

On iOS Spotify starts playing music when attempting connection. This is a default behavior and there is no official way to prevent this with the currently supported authentication flows. You have the option to pass a Spotify URI upon connection or set it to a blank string to play the last played song. There is an undocumented workaround if you don't want music to start playing which is to pass an invalid Spotify URI instead. This is not officially supported by the Spotify SDK or this library and it can fail or stop working at any time!

Have a look in the example for detailed insights on how you can use this package.

Token Swap

You can optionally specify "token swap" URLs to manage tokens with a backend service that protects your OAuth client secret. For more information refer to the Spotify Token Swap and Refresh Guide

SpotifySdkPlugin.tokenSwapURL = '';
SpotifySdkPlugin.tokenRefreshURL = '';

On web, this package will perform an Authorization Code (without PKCE) flow, then exchange the code and refresh the token with a backend service you run at the URLs provided.

Token Swap is for now "web only". While the iOS SDK also supports the "token swap", this flow is not yet supported.



Function Description Android iOS Web
connectToSpotifyRemote Connects the App to Spotify
getAccessToken Gets the Access Token that you can use to work with the Web Api
disconnect Disconnects the app connection
subscribeConnectionStatus Subscribes to the current player state. 🚧

Player Api

The playerApi as described here.

Function Description Android iOS Web
getCrossfadeState Gets the current crossfade state
getPlayerState Gets the current player state
pause Pauses the current track
play Plays the given spotifyUri
playWithStreamType Play the given Spotify uri with specific behaviour for that streamtype 🚧 🚧 🚧
queue Queues given spotifyUri
resume Resumes the current track
seekTo Seeks the current track to the given position in milliseconds 🚧
seekToRelativePosition Adds to the current position of the track the given milliseconds 🚧
setPodcastPlaybackSpeed Set playback speed for Podcast 🚧 🚧
setRepeatMode Set the repeat mode
setShuffle Set the shuffle mode
skipNext Skips to next track
skipPrevious Skips to previous track
skipToIndex Skips to track at specified index in album or playlist 🚧
subscribePlayerContext Subscribes to the current player context
subscribePlayerState Subscribes to the current player state
toggleRepeat Cycles through the repeat modes
toggleShuffle Cycles through the shuffle modes

On Web, an automatic call to play may not work due to media activation policies which send an error: "Authentication Error: Browser prevented autoplay due to lack of interaction". This error is ignored by the SDK so you can still present a button for the user to click to play or resume to start playback. See the Web SDK Troubleshooting guide for more details.

Images Api

The imagesApi as described here.

Function Description Android iOS Web
getImage Get the image from the given spotifyUri 🚧

User Api

The userApi as described here.

Function Description Android iOS Web
addToLibrary Adds the given spotifyUri to the users library 🚧
getCapabilities Gets the current users capabilities 🚧
getLibraryState Gets the current library state 🚧
removeFromLibrary Removes the given spotifyUri to the users library 🚧
subscribeCapabilities Subscribes to the current users capabilities 🚧 🚧
subscribeUserStatus Subscribes to the current users status 🚧 🚧

Connect Api

The connectApi as described here.

Function Description Android iOS Web
connectDecreaseVolume Decrease volume by a step size determined 🚧 🚧 🚧
connectIncreaseVolume Increase volume by a step size determined 🚧 🚧 🚧
connectSetVolume Set a volume on the currently active device 🚧 🚧 🚧
connectSwitchToLocalDevice Switch to play music on this (local) device 🚧 🚧
subscribeToVolumeState Subscribe to volume state 🚧 🚧 🚧

Content Api

The contentApi as described here.

Function Description Android iOS Web
getChildrenOfItem tbd 🚧 🚧 🚧
getRecommendedContentItems tbd 🚧 🚧 🚧
playContentItem tbd 🚧 🚧 🚧


spotify-auth: moving from locally sourced aar to maven central

spotify-auth SDK is now retrieved via Maven Central instead of being sourced from an AAR file

  • Steps to remove the locally sourced spotify-auth SDK:
    • android/settings.gradle -> remove ':spotify-auth'
    • android/spotify-auth/build.gradle -> remove file
    • android/spotify-auth/spotify-auth-release-x.x.x.aar -> remove file

Official Spotify Docs