- Download Git - http://git-scm.com/downloads
- Signup at github.com
- Turn on 2-factor Authentication - https://github.com/blog/1614-two-factor-authentication
- Setup SSH key to be able to clone, push, etc. to GitHub - https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys
- Excellent Git Tutorial - https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorial/git-basics
- (optional) Download a git gui client such as http://www.sourcetreeapp.com/
Clone a repository (this is a public repo I have created)
git clone [email protected]:ryanwalker/git-testing.git
View branches branches
git branch //local branches, branches created locally that don't exist on the remote repository.
git branch -r //remote branches, or branches that already exist from the remote repository we just cloned
git branch -a //all branches
Checkout a remote branch
git checkout <remoteBranchName>
Create and checkout a local branch
git checkout -b <myFeatureBranchName>
add un-versioned files or stage files for commit
git add <fileName>
git add . //stages all files for commit
View staged, changed and untrcked files
git status
git commit //Commits all staged files
git commit -m 'Commit Message Here'
git commit -a //Commits all changed files
View your remote repository connections so we can push our changes up there
(Normally you will only have one remote, the origin)
git remote
gite remote -v //shows the repository url next to the name of the remote
push your committed changes from your local repository up to the remote repository
(origin is an alias of the remote repository, is the branch to push to.)
git push origin <branchName>
Go to github and see your feature branch up there
pull request
Log into GitHub and go to the repo, you should see
branch commands
git branch //show local branches, * will be next to your current active branch
git branch -r //show remote branches
git branch -a //show all branches
git branch <branchName> //create a local branch
git branch -d <localBranch> //delete local
git push origin :<remoteBranch> //delete remote branch
Merge changes from one branch into the current branch
(Changes from will be merged into the branch you are working on.)
git merge <branch>