Reader, analyzer, and viewer of MINFLUX raw data.
Compiled executables (apps) for Linux, macOS and Windows can be downloaded from the release page.
Please note: since pyMINFLUX.exe on Windows and on macOS come from an unidentified developer and are not (yet) digitally signed, both operating systems may prevent them from running. In this case, please have a look at our troubleshooting guide. Please mind that this only applies to the compiled executables.
On macOS, it is recommended to download the zipped app via curl or wget to prevent Gatekeeper from quarantining the application (see also troubleshooting guide).
$ curl -LJO
Alternatively, if wget
is installed:
$ wget --content-disposition
The latest version of pyMINFLUX can also be installed from pyMINFLUX is compatible with and tested on Python 3.10 and 3.11. It is recommended to install pyMINFLUX in a conda environment as follows:
$ conda create -n pyminflux-env python=3.11 # or 3.10
$ conda activate pyminflux-env
$ pip install --upgrade pyminflux
pyMINFLUX can then easily be run from the command line:
$ pyminflux
pyMINFLUX is compatible with and tested on Python 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12. For development, it is recommended to install pyMINFLUX in editable mode in a conda environment as follows:
$ conda create -n pyminflux-env python=3.11 # or 3.10, 3.12
$ conda activate pyminflux-env
$ git clone /path/to/pyminflux
$ cd /path/to/pyminflux
$ python -m pip install -e .
$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
If you want to participate to the development of pyMINFLUX, please have a look at how you can contribute and at our code of conduct.
$ cd /path/to/pyminflux
$ python pyminflux/ # As a Python script, or
$ pyminflux # as a standalone tool
The graphical user interface is not the only way to use pyMINFLUX. Indeed, the pyMINFLUX core library can be integrated in Python scripts or Jupyter Notebooks. The documentation for the pyMIMFLUX core API can be found on; an example Jupyter Notebook is bundled with the code.
The user manual is hosted in the project wiki.
The official pyMINFLUX website is on
Join the pyMINFLUX mailing list for release announcements and further discussions.
We value the contribution of our community members, and to make sure that everyone can profit from this collaboration, we ask you to have a look at our CONTRIBUTING and CODE OF CONDUCT documents.
If you use pyMINFLUX in your research, please cite this repository as follows:
Aaron Ponti, Javier Casares Arias, & Thomas Horn. (2023). pyMINFLUX. Zenodo.