Ephemeral, geo-location based communication
- REDIS for storing messages
- Node.js for web server
- HTML5 Geolocation
- Websockets
- Messages can be loud or quiet
- Loud messages have a larger radius and die quicker
- Quiet messages have a smaller radius and last longer
Due to the expiring, small data size, and rate of access, REDIS seems the appropriate choice
- Latitude, Longitude, Geohash
- Message (limit 255 characters)
- Size
- Date
- IP Address (for spam purposes, might just store MD5(IP+SALT) for anonymity)
This will be a webpage, very simple, works on mobile, uses HTML5 geolocation API
- Listing of visible messages
- Message input box
- Loudness slider
- Send button
This chrome extension makes debugging a bit easier (so you don't have to walk around with a laptop): Manual Geolocation