kubectl apply -f release-0.0.5.yaml
What's New?
- When run images (OS level dependencies) are updated in the registry, images previously built with the run images will be rebuilt. This does not require a full rebuild because of the of ABI compatibility guarantee provided by the run image in Cloud Native Buildpacks.
- Kubernetes credential providers (AWS, GCP, Azure) can be used to authenticate builder images.
- Build logs display current build step and include
Build Successful
on completion.
Builder Images used with this release require the lifecycle v0.4.0 or greater.
(All builders in pack suggest-builders
currently satisfy this requirement)
Breaking changes
- A Kubernetes cluster version 1.14 or later is now required
- When updating to v0.0.5 delete and reapply existing images
Known Issues
- Builds fail on kind #201
- Bump lifecycle to version v0.0.5 #189
- Build fails early if it does not have read access to the run image #186
- Default to default service account for images and builds #184 #180
- Add validation and defaulting for images, builds, and builders #184 #180
- Fails build when git credentials are invalid #161
- Rebuild images when run image or stack change #140 #165 #168 #172 #176 #179
- Improve log utility output #154
- Images can be built in unauthenticated registries #143
- Add support Kubernetes credential providers (AWS, GCP, Azure) #153
- Update kubernetes client go to 1.15 #151
- Migrate to go modules #151
- Each kpack resource is in the 'kpack' category #144 (Scott Andrews)