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FlowGram is a node-based flow building engine that helps developers quickly create workflows in either fixed layout or free connection layout modes. It provides a set of interaction best practices and is particularly suitable for visual workflows with clear inputs and outputs.

In the current AI boom, we are also focusing on how to empower workflows with AI capabilities, hence the AI suffix in our name.


📖 Documentation

📦 Packages

Package Description Version App Creator npm Fixed Layout Editor npm Free Layout Editor npm

🎮 Examples

Fixed Layout

Fixed layout where nodes can be dragged to specified positions, with support for compound nodes like branches and loops.

Free Layout

Free layout where nodes can be placed anywhere and connected using free-form lines.

🚀 Getting Started

# create demo

# select demo
- fixed-layout # full-feature overview
- free-layout # full-feature overview
- fixed-layout-simple # basic usage
- free-layout-simple # basic usage

🔨 Development

  1. Install Node.js 18+
nvm install lts/hydrogen
nvm alias default lts/hydrogen # set default node version
nvm use lts/hydrogen
  1. Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:bytedance/
  1. Install required global dependencies
  1. Install project dependencies
rush update
  1. Build the project
rush build
  1. Run docs or demo
rush dev:docs # docs
rush dev:demo-fixed-layout
rush dev:demo-free-layout

After that, you can start to develop projects inside this repository.

Enjoy it!

🌟 Contributors

FlowGram.AI Contributors