Visit the website for more details about SWARMBOTS.
Name | Github |
Kelly Duan | celry |
Evalyn Berleant | eberleant |
SWARMBOTS allows multiple robots in a swarm to collaboratively map their environment. At any time, there is a single leader (the swarmboss) whose movement dictates the behavior of the other robots in the swarm, who may follow or disperse from the leader. 🤖🦠
- ROS melodic
- Gazebo 9.0.0
- Python 2.7.17
- multirobot_map_merge
- Clone the repo into catkin_ws/src:
git clone
- Clone map merge into catkin_ws/src:
git clone
- Run
from the catkin_ws directory
- run world and initial robots:
roslaunch swarmbots main.launch world:=stage_4 robots:=2
- change world by setting
world:=[world name in world folder]
- recommended worlds:
- recommended worlds:
- change number of robots by setting
robots:=[# of robots]
- change world by setting
- toggle swarm orders:
rosrun swarmbots
- view map in rviz:
- launch
- set Fixed Frame to
- Add by topic
- launch
- save maps for future use:
roslaunch swarmbots savemap.launch robots:=2
- save maps of robots running and the merged map
- change number of robots by setting
robots:=[# of robots]