Snailgun accelerates the startup of Ruby applications which require large numbers of libraries. It does this by preparing a Ruby process with your chosen libraries preloaded, and then forking that process whenever a new command-line Ruby interpreter is required.
sudo gem install snailgun
Or for the latest code, git clone git://
and put the bin directory into your PATH.
$ time ruby -rubygems -e 'require "active_support"' -e 'puts "".blank?'
real 0m2.123s
user 0m1.424s
sys 0m0.168s
$ snailgun -rubygems -ractive_support
Snailgun starting on /home/brian/.snailgun/14781 - 'exit' to end
$ time fruby -e 'puts "".blank?'
real 0m0.064s
user 0m0.020s
sys 0m0.004s
$ exit
Snailgun ended
When using Rails or Merb, snailgun will start a process preloaded for the
environment only unless told otherwise.
You need to edit config/environments/test.rb
and set
config.cache_classes = false
. This is so that your application classes
are loaded each time you run a test, rather than being preloaded into
the test environment.
Snailgun will take several seconds to be ready to process requests. Start
with snailgun -v
if you wish to be notified when it is ready.
$ rails testapp
$ cd testapp
$ vi config/environments/test.rb
... set config.cache_classes = false
$ snailgun -I test
Now entering subshell. Use 'exit' to terminate snailgun
$ time RAILS_ENV=test fruby script/runner 'puts 1+2'
real 0m0.169s
user 0m0.040s
sys 0m0.008s
# To run your test suite
$ frake test # or frake spec
Your preloaded process will remain around until you type exit
to terminate
Note that any attempt by fruby
or frake
to perform an action in an
environment other than 'test' will fail. See below for how to run multiple
snailgun environments.
Merb support has been contributed (using MERB_ENV), but it is untested by me.
After reading the warnings below, you may choose to start multiple snailgun processes each configured for a different environment, as follows:
$ snailgun --rails test,development
This gives the potential for faster startup of rake tasks which involve
the development environment (such as migrations) and the console. The
utility fconsole
is provided for this.
However, beware that frake and fruby need to decide which of the preloaded environments to dispatch the command to. The safest way is to force the correct one explicitly:
RAILS_ENV=test frake test:units
RAILS_ENV=development fruby script/server
RAILS_ENV=test fruby script/runner 'puts "".blank?'
If you do not specify the environment, then a simple heuristic is used:
always defaults to the 'development' environment. -
honours anyRAILS_ENV=xxx
setting on the command line. If missing,frake
defaults to the 'test' environment if no args are given or if an arg containing the word 'test' or 'spec' is given; otherwise it falls back to the 'development' environment.
WARNING: The decision as to which of the preloaded environments to use is made before actually running the command. If the wrong choice is made, it can lead to problems.
In the worst case, you may have a 'test'-type task, but find that it is wrongly dispatched to your 'development' environment - and possibly ends up blowing away your development database. This actually happened to me while developing snailgun. SO IF YOUR DEVELOPMENT DATABASE CONTAINS USEFUL DATA, KEEP IT BACKED UP.
If you run test files individually, it is especially critical that you set the correct environment. e.g.
RAILS_ENV=test fruby -Ilib -Itest test/unit/some_test.rb
Cucumber creates its own Rails environment called "cucumber", so you can setup snailgun like this:
$ snailgun --rails test,cucumber
Then use frake cucumber
to exercise the features. frake selects the
"cucumber" environment if run with "cucumber" as an argument.
NOTE: to make your model classes be loaded on each run you need to set
config.cache_classes = false
in config/environments/cucumber.rb
Cucumber will give a big warning saying that this is known to be a
problem with transactional fixtures. I don't use transactional fixtures
so this isn't a problem for me.
For a substantial performance boost, remove :lib=>false
lines from
so that cucumber, webrat, nokogiri etc
are preloaded.
Smaller performance boosts can be had from further preloading. For example,
cucumber makes use of some rspec libraries for diffing even if you're not
using rspec, so you can preload those. Add something like this to the end of
require 'spec/expectations'
require 'spec/runner/differs/default'
rescue LoadError
require 'test_help'
require 'test/unit/testresult'
require 'active_support/secure_random'
require 'active_support/time_with_zone'
There is some simple support for autotest (from the ZenTest package).
Just type fautotest
instead of autotest
after snailgun has been started.
This hasn't been tested for a while.
You can get noticeably faster startup if you don't use rubygems to invoke the programs. To do this, you can add the binary directory directly into the front of your PATH, e.g. for Ubuntu
Alternatively, create a file called fruby
somewhere early on in your PATH
(e.g. under $HOME/bin
), like this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
load '/path/to/the/real/fruby'
Repeat for frake
Only works with Linux/BSD systems, due to use of passing open file descriptors across a socket.
Ctrl-C doesn't terminate frake processes.
fruby script/console
doesn't give any speedup, because script/console uses
exec to invoke irb. Use the supplied fconsole
The environment is not currently passed across the socket to the ruby process. This means it's not usable as a fast CGI replacement.
In Rails, you need to beware that any changes to your config/environment*
will not be reflected until you stop and restart snailgun.
This code is released under the same licence as Ruby itself.
Brian Candler [email protected]
- Jan X [email protected]
- George Ogata [email protected]
- Niklas Hofer [email protected]
- Thies C. Arntzen [email protected]