API and R interface developed by Grant Williamson and Ivan Hanigan
# this is still in development so do the following
install_github("cardat/napmdtools", build_vignettes = TRUE, force = TRUE)
The Australian National Air Pollution Monitor Database (NAPMD) was consolidated by the NHMRC Centre for Air pollution, Energy and Health Research (CAR) to standardise the national collection of data from all government air pollution monitors in Australia. All states and all pollutants for government regulatory monitoring data were collected from the 1990s to 2020. For more information see
Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (2021): National Air Pollution Monitoring Database, derived from regulatory monitor data from NSW DPIE, Vic EPA, Qld DES, SA EPA, WA DEWR, Tas EPA, NT EPA, and ACT Health. The Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research. (Dataset) DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/JXD98
It is not recommended to store your username and password in a script so instead create a private api_key.R file in a private folder
- create the private folder and create a text file in there called
- get your username and password from the data curator and paste it in there.
username: 'my_name',
password: 'my_password'
- put this in to your .gitignore file
- use this to read it into your session
api_key <- yaml::read_yaml('private/api_key.yaml')
- use this in the functions, e.g.
list_air_pollution_monitors(state = "NSW", username = api_key$username, password = api_key$password)