Hypertube is a torrent-based Netflix-like website.
It allows logged users to search for and watch films in streaming. The search box is directly connected to torrent websites (using their APIs) and, as soon as a user clicks "Play" on a film, the file is downloaded on the server and streamed on the web player at the same time. See hypertube.fr.pdf for details.
This was a 19 Coding School web project. It was coded using MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) for 6 weeks in 2020 by Clio Brichaut (@cbrichau), Adam Ceciora (@adamceci) and Yassine Chahbar (@ychahbar19).
Final grade: 110% (points for implementing bonuses).
Peer evaluations:
115% "Bon Netflix les gars ! Rien à dire, très bon projet ! A la revoyure !"
109% "Super top ! Très grosse motive de votre part de le faire en Angular ce qui vous a fait gagner un point bonus. Site intuitif simple d'utilisation , mieux que la plupart des sites streaming sur le marché !"
109% "Bravo la team, projet très propre et fonctionnel. L' UX/UI est sympa. On sent la maîtrise dans les technos choisies et une team très soudée malgré les difficultés rencontrées et ça, c'est beau ;). Bonne chance pour la suite"
112% "Vraiment bon boulot! En plus bravo pour le choix Angular!"
109% "Très bon boulot, très beau site."
Working as of February 2023.
Clone the repo.
Create a free MongoDB Atlas cluster and add its link to
at line 7:mongoose.connect('mongodb+srv://USERNAME:PASSWORD@CLUSTER/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
. -
Launch the backend by running:
cd back
npm install
- If you get the "os.tmpDir is not a function" error, go to
and add this at line 36:os.tmpDir = os.tmpdir;
(just beforevar TMP = fs.existsSync('/tmp') ? '/tmp' : os.tmpDir()
- If you get the "os.tmpDir is not a function" error, go to
- The backend should now be running on port 3000.
In another terminal, launch the frontend by running:
cd front
npm install
ng serve
- If you get the "ng command is not found" error, install angular with
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
then serve again.
- If you get the "ng command is not found" error, install angular with
- The frontend should now be running on port 4200.
Open http://localhost:4200/ to view the app.