ft_printf is C's printf function recoded from scratch.
Many projects at 19 Coding School consist of recreating core functions in C to develop a practical (rather than theoretical) understanding of what they do. In this case, the aim was to recode C's printf function from scratch, using only other previously recreated functions available in the "libft" folder. See ft_printf.en.pdf (or the FR version) for details.
Final grade: 111% (points for implementing bonuses).
Automatic evaluation (Moulinette): 100%.
Peer evaluations:
125% "Impressive work ! hope it will pass the moulinette :)"
125% "perhaps check memory usage with valgrind. Good job overall; noteworthy: dtoa implementation"
120% "Explication claire et précise. Des commentaires dans les fichiers <3. Y'a pas grand chose à redire. Bonne continuation."