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EigenDA sidecar proxy server used for communication between rollup software and EigenDA.


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EigenDA Proxy

A basic REST server for Rollups with the following endpoints:

  • POST routes: used by sequencers to encode their payloads (batches of transactions or state transitions) into EigenDA blobs, submit them to the EigenDA disperser to make them available, and receive a DA certificate to be submitted to the rollup's batcher inbox.
  • GET routes: used by validators to retrieve the blob from the EigenDA network given a DA Certificate, decode the blob back into the original payload, and return it to the validator, to be used in its derivation pipeline.

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Integration Guide | EigenDA Repo


This service wraps the high-level EigenDA client, exposing endpoints for interacting with the EigenDA disperser in conformance to the OP Alt-DA server spec, and adding disperser verification logic. This simplifies integrating EigenDA into various rollup frameworks by minimizing the footprint of changes needed within their respective services.


  • Exposes an API for dispersing blobs to EigenDA and retrieving blobs from EigenDA via the EigenDA disperser
  • Handles BN254 field element encoding/decoding
  • Performs KZG verification during retrieval to ensure that data returned from the EigenDA disperser is correct.
  • Performs KZG verification during dispersal to ensure that DA certificates returned from the EigenDA disperser have correct KZG commitments.
  • Performs DA certificate verification during dispersal to ensure that DA certificates have been properly bridged to Ethereum by the disperser.
  • Performs DA certificate verification during retrieval to ensure that data represented by bad DA certificates do not become part of the canonical chain.
  • Compatibility with Optimism's alt-da commitment type with eigenda backend.
  • Compatibility with Optimism's keccak-256 commitment type with S3 storage.

In order to disperse to the EigenDA network in production, or at high throughput on testnet, please register your authentication ethereum address through this form. Your EigenDA authentication keypair address should not be associated with any funds anywhere.

Deployment Guide

Hardware Requirements

The following specs are recommended for running on a single production server:

  • 4 GB RAM
  • 1-2 cores CPU

Ethereum Node Requirements

A normal (non-archival) Ethereum node is sufficient for running the proxy with cert verification turned on. This is because all parameters that are read from the chain are either:

  1. immutable (eg: securityThresholds), or
  2. are upgradeable but have all the historical versions available in contract storage (eg: versioninedBlobParams)

SRS Points Requirements

In order to compute (and in our current implementation also verify) KZG commitments, G1 SRS points of size equivalent to the blob size are needed. The points must be loaded into the binary by using the --eigenda.g1-path flag. A 32MiB G1 SRS file is available under ./resources/g1.point. This file is also copied inside our distributed docker images, at <WORKDIR>/resources/g1.point. The --eigenda.g1-path flag's default value is the relative path resources/g1.point, which will work when running the binary from the repo's root directory, as well as inside the container.

Deployment Steps

## Build EigenDA Proxy
$ make
# env GO111MODULE=on GOOS= GOARCH= go build -v -ldflags "-X main.GitCommit=4b7b35bc3770ed5ca809b7ddb8a825c470a00fb4 -X main.GitDate=1719407123 -X main.Version=v0.0.0" -o ./bin/eigenda-proxy ./cmd/server

## Setup new keypair for EigenDA authentication
$ cast wallet new -j > keypair.json

## Extract keypair ETH address
$ jq -r '.[0].address' keypair.json
# 0x859F0F6D095E18B732FAdc8CD16Ae144F24e2F0D

## If running against mainnet, register the keypair ETH address and wait for approval:

## Extract keypair private key and remove 0x prefix
PRIVATE_KEY=$(jq -r '.[0].private_key' keypair.json | tail -c +3)

## Run EigenDA Proxy
$ ./bin/eigenda-proxy \
    --addr \
    --port 3100 \
    --eigenda.disperser-rpc \
    --eigenda.signer-private-key-hex $PRIVATE_KEY \
    --eigenda.eth-rpc \
    --eigenda.svc-manager-addr 0xD4A7E1Bd8015057293f0D0A557088c286942e84b
# 2024/06/26 09:41:04 maxprocs: Leaving GOMAXPROCS=10: CPU quota undefined
# INFO [06-26|09:41:04.881] Initializing EigenDA proxy server...     role=eigenda_proxy
# INFO [06-26|09:41:04.884]     Reading G1 points (2164832 bytes) takes 2.169417ms role=eigenda_proxy
# INFO [06-26|09:41:04.961]     Parsing takes 76.634042ms            role=eigenda_proxy
# numthread 10
# WARN [06-26|09:41:04.961] Verification disabled                    role=eigenda_proxy
# INFO [06-26|09:41:04.961] Using eigenda backend                    role=eigenda_proxy
# INFO [06-26|09:41:04.962] Starting DA server                       role=eigenda_proxy endpoint=
# INFO [06-26|09:41:04.973] Started DA Server                        role=eigenda_proxy

Env File

We also provide network-specific example env configuration files in .env.example.holesky and .env.example.mainnet as a place to get started:

  1. Copy example env file: cp .env.example.holesky .env
  2. Update env file, setting EIGENDA_PROXY_SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX. On mainnet you will also need to set EIGENDA_PROXY_ETH_RPC.
  3. Pass into binary: ENV_PATH=.env ./bin/eigenda-proxy --addr --port 3100

Running via Docker

Container can be built via running make docker-build. We also build and publish containers on every release to

Features and Configuration Options

Below is a list of different features offered by the eigenda-proxy, some of which are behind feature flags. For a full extensive list of available flags, see the Flags section.

Certificate verification

In order for the EigenDA Proxy to avoid a trust assumption on the EigenDA disperser, the proxy offers a DA cert verification feature which ensures that:

  1. The DA cert's batch hash can be computed locally and matches the one persisted on-chain in the ServiceManager contract
  2. The DA cert's blob inclusion proof can be successfully verified against the blob-batch merkle root
  3. The DA cert's quorum params are adequately defined and expressed when compared to their on-chain counterparts
  4. The DA cert's quorum ids map to valid quorums

To target this feature, use the CLI flags --eigenda-svc-manager-addr, --eigenda-eth-rpc.

Soft Confirmations

An optional --eigenda.confirmation-depth flag can be provided to specify a number of ETH block confirmations to wait for the confirmBatch to have landed onchain before returning the cert to the batcher after having dispersed a blob in the put route. The flag value can either be the string 'finalized' or a number: finalized: Wait for the confirmBatch transaction to be finalized on-chain before returning the cert to the batcher 0: Verify the cert immediately upon blob confirmation and return the cert N where 0<N<64: Wait N blocks before returning the cert to the batcher

The default value is 8. Using 0 is dangerous: see troubleshooting the batch-hash-mismatch error.

In-Memory Backend

An ephemeral memory store backend can be used for faster feedback testing when testing rollup integrations. To target this feature, use the CLI flags --memstore.enabled, --memstore.expiration.

Asynchronous Secondary Insertions

An optional --routing.concurrent-write-routines flag can be provided to enable asynchronous processing for secondary writes - allowing for more efficient dispersals in the presence of a hefty secondary routing layer. This flag specifies the number of write routines spun-up with supported thread counts in range [1, 100).

Storage Fallback

An optional storage fallback CLI flag --routing.fallback-targets can be leveraged to ensure resiliency when reading. When enabled, a blob is persisted to a fallback target after being successfully dispersed. Fallback targets use the keccak256 hash of the existing EigenDA commitment as their key, for succinctness. In the event that blobs cannot be read from EigenDA, they will then be retrieved in linear order from the provided fallback targets.

Storage Caching

An optional storage caching CLI flag --routing.cache-targets can be leveraged to ensure less redundancy and more optimal reading. When enabled, a blob is persisted to each cache target after being successfully dispersed using the keccak256 hash of the existing EigenDA commitment for the fallback target key. This ensure second order keys are succinct. Upon a blob retrieval request, the cached targets are first referenced to read the blob data before referring to EigenDA.

Failover Signals

In the event that the EigenDA disperser or network is down, the proxy will return a 503 (Service Unavailable) status code as a response to POST requests, which rollup batchers can use to failover and start submitting blobs to the L1 chain instead. For more info, see our failover designs for op-stack and for arbitrum.

This behavior is turned on by default, but configurable via the --eigenda.confirmation-timeout flag (set to 15 mins by default currently). If a blob is not confirmed within this time, the proxy will return a 503 status code. This should be set long enough to accomodate for the disperser's batching interval (typically 10 minutes), signature gathering, and onchain submission.

Blob Lifecycle

Warning: the below diagrams describe EigenDA V2 interactions. EigenDA V1 is very similar, but has slight discrepancies.

The proxy fundamentally acts as a bridge between the rollup nodes and the EigenDA network. The following sequence diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a rollup payload (compressed batch of txs or state transitions), as it gets transformed to an EigenDA blob and dispersed to the network. The received EigenDA cert is then published to the rollup batcher-inbox, to be retrieved by rollup validators, and used to retrieve and validate the corresponding blob, which can then be decoded into the original payload and used by the rollup's stack.

Sequence Diagram

Posting Payloads

Posting Blobs

The rollup payload is submitted via a POST request to the proxy. Proxy encodes the payload into a blob and submits it to the EigenDA disperser. After the DACertificate is available via the GetBlobStatus endpoint, it is encoded using the requested commitment schema and sent back to the rollup sequencer. The sequencer then submits the commitment to the rollup's batcher inbox.

Retrieving Payloads

Validator nodes proceed with the exact reverse process as that used by the sequencer in the posting blobs section. The rollup validator submits a GET request to the proxy with the DACert in the body. The proxy validates the cert, fetches the corresponding blob from EigenDA, validates it, decodes it back into the rollup payload, and returns it the rollup node.

Rollup Commitment Schemas

Warning: the name commitment here refers to the piece of data sent to the rollup's batcher inbox (see op spec's description), not to blobs' KZG commitment. The Rollup commitment consists of a few-byte header (described below) followed by a DACertificate, which contains all the information necessary to retrieve and validate an EigenDA blob. The DACertificate itself contains the KZG commitment to the blob.

Currently, there are two commitment modes supported with unique encoding schemas for each. The version byte is shared for all modes and denotes which version of the EigenDA DACertificate is being used/requested. The following versions are currently supported:

  • 0x00: EigenDA V1 certificate type (i.e, dispersal blob info struct with verification against service manager)
  • 0x01: EigenDA V2 certificate type

Optimism Commitment Mode

For alt-da Optimism rollups using EigenDA, the following commitment schemas are supported by our proxy:

commitment_type (byte) da_layer_byte version_byte payload
0x00 keccak_commitment
0x01 0x00 0x00 eigenda_cert_v1
0x01 0x00 0x01 eigenda_cert_v2

keccak256 (commitment_type 0x00) uses an S3 storage backend with where a simple keccak commitment of the blob is used as the key. For generic commitments, we only support da_layer_byte 0x00 which represents EigenDA.

Standard Commitment Mode

For standard clients (i.e, client/client.go) communicating with proxy (e.g, arbitrum nitro), the following commitment schema is supported:

version_byte payload
0x00 eigenda_cert_v1
0x01 eigenda_cert_v2

eigenda_cert_v0 is an RLP-encoded EigenDA V1 certificate. eigenda_cert_v1 works similarly.



Unit tests can be ran via invoking make test.


End-to-end (E2E) tests can be ran via make e2e-test. These tests use the op-e2e framework for asserting correct interaction behaviors with batch submission and state derivation.

These tests also assert E2E client <-> server interactions using simple/op clients.

E2E Fuzz

This E2E test will fuzz the proxy client server integration and op client keccak256 with malformed inputs. This is never meant to be fuzzed with EigenDA. Run with make e2e-fuzz-test.


A holesky integration test can be ran using make holesky-test to assert proper dispersal/retrieval against a public network. Please note that EigenDA Holesky network which is subject to rate-limiting and slow confirmation times (i.e, >10 minutes per blob confirmation). Please advise EigenDA's inabox if you'd like to spin-up a local DA network for faster iteration testing.


To the see list of available metrics, run ./bin/eigenda-proxy doc metrics

To quickly set up monitoring dashboard, add eigenda-proxy metrics endpoint to a reachable prometheus server config as a scrape target, add prometheus datasource to Grafana to, and import the existing Grafana dashboard JSON file

Flags and Env Vars

Note: this list is hand-crafted and is very likely to be out of date.

To get a list of exact flags available with a given version, run eigenda-proxy --help

Flag Default Value Environment Variable Description
--addr "" $EIGENDA_PROXY_ADDR Server listening address
--eigenda.cache-path "resources/SRSTables/" $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_TARGET_CACHE_PATH Directory path to SRS tables for caching.
--eigenda.custom-quorum-ids $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_CUSTOM_QUORUM_IDS Custom quorum IDs for writing blobs. Should not include default quorums 0 or 1.
--eigenda.disable-point-verification-mode false $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_DISABLE_POINT_VERIFICATION_MODE Disable point verification mode. This mode performs IFFT on data before writing and FFT on data after reading. Disabling requires supplying the entire blob for verification against the KZG commitment.
--eigenda.disable-tls false $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_GRPC_DISABLE_TLS Disable TLS for gRPC communication with the EigenDA disperser. Default is false.
--eigenda.cert-verification-disabled false $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_CERT_VERIFICATION_DISABLED Whether to verify certificates received from EigenDA disperser.
--eigenda.disperser-rpc $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_DISPERSER_RPC RPC endpoint of the EigenDA disperser.
--eigenda.svc-manager-addr $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_SERVICE_MANAGER_ADDR The deployed EigenDA service manager address. The list can be found here:
--eigenda.eth-confirmation-depth -1 $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_ETH_CONFIRMATION_DEPTH The number of Ethereum blocks of confirmation that the DA bridging transaction must have before it is assumed by the proxy to be final. If set negative the proxy will always wait for blob finalization.
--eigenda.eth-rpc $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_ETH_RPC JSON RPC node endpoint for the Ethereum network used for finalizing DA blobs. See available list here:
--eigenda.g1-path "resources/g1.point" $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_TARGET_KZG_G1_PATH Directory path to g1.point file.
--eigenda.g2-power-of-2-path "resources/g2.point.powerOf2" $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_TARGET_KZG_G2_POWER_OF_2_PATH Directory path to g2.point.powerOf2 file.
--eigenda.max-blob-length "16MiB" $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_MAX_BLOB_LENGTH Maximum blob length to be written or read from EigenDA. Determines the number of SRS points loaded into memory for KZG commitments. Example units: '30MiB', '4Kb', '30MB'. Maximum size slightly exceeds 1GB.
--eigenda.put-blob-encoding-version 0 $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_PUT_BLOB_ENCODING_VERSION Blob encoding version to use when writing blobs from the high-level interface.
--eigenda.response-timeout 60s $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT Total time to wait for a response from the EigenDA disperser. Default is 60 seconds.
--eigenda.signer-private-key-hex $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX Hex-encoded signer private key. This key should not be associated with an Ethereum address holding any funds.
--eigenda.status-query-retry-interval 5s $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_STATUS_QUERY_INTERVAL Interval between retries when awaiting network blob finalization. Default is 5 seconds.
--eigenda.status-query-timeout 30m0s $EIGENDA_PROXY_EIGENDA_STATUS_QUERY_TIMEOUT Duration to wait for a blob to finalize after being sent for dispersal. Default is 30 minutes.
--log.color false $EIGENDA_PROXY_LOG_COLOR Color the log output if in terminal mode.
--log.format text $EIGENDA_PROXY_LOG_FORMAT Format the log output. Supported formats: 'text', 'terminal', 'logfmt', 'json', 'json-pretty'.
--log.level INFO $EIGENDA_PROXY_LOG_LEVEL The lowest log level that will be output. false $EIGENDA_PROXY_LOG_PID Show pid in the log.
--memstore.enabled false $EIGENDA_PROXY_MEMSTORE_ENABLED Whether to use mem-store for DA logic.
--memstore.expiration 25m0s $EIGENDA_PROXY_MEMSTORE_EXPIRATION Duration that a mem-store blob/commitment pair are allowed to live.
--memstore.put-latency 0 $EIGENDA_PROXY_MEMSTORE_PUT_LATENCY Artificial latency added for memstore backend to mimic EigenDA's dispersal latency.
--memstore.get-latency 0 $EIGENDA_PROXY_MEMSTORE_GET_LATENCY Artificial latency added for memstore backend to mimic EigenDA's retrieval latency.
--metrics.addr "" $EIGENDA_PROXY_METRICS_ADDR Metrics listening address.
--metrics.enabled false $EIGENDA_PROXY_METRICS_ENABLED Enable the metrics server.
--metrics.port 7300 $EIGENDA_PROXY_METRICS_PORT Metrics listening port.
--port 3100 $EIGENDA_PROXY_PORT Server listening port.
--s3.credential-type $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_CREDENTIAL_TYPE Static, iam or public.
--s3.access-key-id $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID Access key id for S3 storage.
--s3.access-key-id $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID Access key id for S3 storage.
--s3.access-key-secret $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET Access key secret for S3 storage.
--s3.bucket $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_BUCKET Bucket name for S3 storage.
--s3.path $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_PATH Bucket path for S3 storage.
--s3.endpoint $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_ENDPOINT Endpoint for S3 storage.
--s3.enable-tls $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_ENABLE_TLS Enable TLS connection to S3 endpoint.
--storage.fallback-targets [] $EIGENDA_PROXY_STORAGE_FALLBACK_TARGETS Fall back backend targets. Supports S3.
--storage.cache-targets [] $EIGENDA_PROXY_STORAGE_CACHE_TARGETS Caching targets. Supports S3.
--storage.concurrent-write-threads 0 $EIGENDA_PROXY_STORAGE_CONCURRENT_WRITE_THREADS Number of threads spun-up for async secondary storage insertions. (<=0) denotes single threaded insertions where (>0) indicates decoupled writes.
--s3.timeout 5s $EIGENDA_PROXY_S3_TIMEOUT timeout for S3 storage operations (e.g. get, put)
--redis.db 0 $EIGENDA_PROXY_REDIS_DB redis database to use after connecting to server
--redis.endpoint "" $EIGENDA_PROXY_REDIS_ENDPOINT redis endpoint url
--redis.password "" $EIGENDA_PROXY_REDIS_PASSWORD redis password
--redis.eviction 24h0m0s $EIGENDA_PROXY_REDIS_EVICTION entry eviction/expiration time
--help, -h false Show help.
--version, -v false Print the version.



EigenDA sidecar proxy server used for communication between rollup software and EigenDA.



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