Rucket@AresCentral for Sheet Template Updates
This plugin creates a series of commands for setting Powers, Skills, Advantages, and Flaws on characters. It also contains instructions on integrating these into the web portal and character generation.
NOTE: This plugin requires the insertion of code into several areas reserved for custom hooks. It should not cause any merge conflicts as it does not modify the core code; however, the custom files will require updating per the instructions below.
Disable the FS3 plugins, as explained in Enabling and Disabling Plugins.
In the game, run: plugin/install
If you do not have any existing edits to these custom files, you can use the files in the custom_files folder of this repository as-is. If you do, then you may use them as templates to add the lines of code needed for eshtraits.
File: aresmush/plugins/profile/custom_char_fields.rb
Update with: custom_files/custom_char_fields.rb
File: aresmush/plugins/chargen/custom_app_review.rb
Update with: custom_files/custom_app_review.rb
If you do not have any existing edits to these custom files, you can use the files in the custom_files folder of this repository as-is. If you do, then you may use them as templates to add the lines of code needed for eshtraits.
File: ares-webportal/app/components/chargen-custom.js
Update with: custom_files/chargen-custom.js
File: ares-webportal/app/templates/components/chargen-custom.hbs
Update with: custom_files/chargen-custom.hbs
File: ares-webportal/app/templates/components/chargen-custom-tabs.hbs
Update with: custom_files/chargen-custom-tabs.hbs
File: ares-webportal/app/templates/components/profile-custom.hbs
Update with: custom_files/profile-custom.hbs
File: ares-webportal/app/templates/components/profile-custom-tabs.hbs
Update with: custom_files/profile-custom-tabs.hbs
Go to Admin > Setup menu and edit chargen.yml and replace two FS3 chargen stages with the eshtraits stage.
Remove these two items:
help: sheets
Add this item below the "groups" section:
help: eshtraits
Removing the plugin requires some code fiddling. See Uninstalling Plugins.
Same as AresMUSH.