JDK : 20
No | Group Id | Artifact Id | Version |
1 | org.seleniumhq.selenium | selenium-java | 4.10.0 |
2 | org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-api | 5.10.0 |
3 | io.github.bonigarcia | webdrivermanager | 5.5.3 |
4 | io.cucumber | cucumber-java | 7.14.0 |
5 | io.cucumber | cucumber-junit | 7.14.0 |
6 | org.junit.platform | junit-platform-console | 1.10.0 |
7 | io.cucumber | cucumber-picocontainer | 7.14.0 |
- Users
Username | Password |
standard_user | secret_sauce |
fake_user | fake_password |
Feature: Login feature
Given The user opens the web page or app
Scenario: User successfully logs in with valid credentials
When The user enters a valid username
And The user enters a valid password
And The user clicks the login button
Then The user should be logged in successfully
Scenario: User failed logs in with invalid password with registered user credentials
When The user enters a valid username
And The user enters a invalid password
And The user clicks the login button
Then The user should be see error message
Scenario: User failed logs in with invalid credentials
When The user enters a invalid username
And The user enters a invalid password
And The user clicks the login button
Then The user should be see error message
Feature: Add Product to Cart
Given The user opens the web page or app
When The user enters a valid username
And The user enters a valid password
And The user clicks the login button
Then The user should be logged in successfully
Scenario: User successfully adds a product to the cart
When The user clicks the add to cart button
Then The text on the add to cart button should change to remove
Then The number of items in the cart icon should be 1
When The user clicks the add to cart button for another product
Then The text on the add to cart button other product should change to remove
Then The number of items in the cart icon should be 2
Feature: Remove Items from Cart
Given The user opens the web page or app
When The user enters a valid username
And The user enters a valid password
And The user clicks the login button
Then The user should be logged in successfully
Then The user clicks the add to cart button
Then The user clicks the add to cart button for another product
Scenario: Remove an Item from the Cart
Given The user is on the cart page
Then The user should see at least 2 products in their cart
When The user clicks the remove button for the first item
Then The number of items in the cart icon should be 1
Then The user should see at least 1 products in their cart
When The user clicks the remove button for the first item
Then The shopping cart should be empty
Feature: Checkout
Given The user opens the web page or app
When The user enters a valid username
And The user enters a valid password
And The user clicks the login button
Then The user should be logged in successfully
And The user clicks the add to cart button
And The user clicks the add to cart button for another product
And The user is on the cart page
Scenario Outline: User Successfully Checks Out Products
Given The user is on the cart page
Then The user should see at least 2 products in their cart
And The user clicks the checkout button
And The user should be redirected to the checkout page step "one"
And The user enters <fistName> as the first name
And The user enters <lastName> as the last name
And The user enters <postalCode> as the postal code
And The user clicks the continue button
And The user should be redirected to the checkout page step "two"
And The user clicks the finish button
And The user should be redirected to the checkout complete page
And The user clicks the back home button
Then The number of items in the cart icon should be empty
| fistName | lastName | postalCode |
| example | example_last_name | 3301 |
| --- | example_last_name | 3301 |
| ? | --- | 0 |
Scenario: User Failed checks Out Products
Given The user is on the cart page
Then The user should see at least 2 products in their cart
And The user clicks the checkout button
And The user should be redirected to the checkout page step "one"
And The user clicks the continue button
Then The user should be see error message
Scenario: User Failed checks Out Products without first name
Given The user is on the cart page
Then The user should see at least 2 products in their cart
And The user clicks the checkout button
And The user should be redirected to the checkout page step "one"
And The user enters "example_last_name" as the last name
And The user enters 111 as the postal code
And The user clicks the continue button
Then The user should be see error message
Scenario: User Failed checks Out Products without last name
Given The user is on the cart page
Then The user should see at least 2 products in their cart
And The user clicks the checkout button
And The user should be redirected to the checkout page step "one"
And The user enters "example" as the first name
And The user enters 111 as the postal code
And The user clicks the continue button
Then The user should be see error message
Scenario: User Failed checks Out Products without postal code
Given The user is on the cart page
Then The user should see at least 2 products in their cart
And The user clicks the checkout button
And The user should be redirected to the checkout page step "one"
And The user enters "example" as the first name
And The user enters "example_last_name" as the last name
And The user clicks the continue button
Then The user should be see error message
Feature: Logout
Given The user opens the web page or app
When The user enters a valid username
And The user enters a valid password
And The user clicks the login button
Scenario: User logout after login
Given The user should be logged in successfully
When The user clicks the burger button
Then The user should see the slide menu
And The user clicks logout
Then The user should be redirected to the login page