In my Scala By the Bay 2015 presentation I described a Scala typeclass-based design for Aggregates that use Event Sourcing.
Here is an example of a Customer aggregate.
object CustomerAggregateModule {
case class Customer(name : String)
trait CustomerCommand
case class CreateCustomerCommand(name : String, creditLimit : Money) extends CustomerCommand
implicit object CustomerAggregate extends CommandProcessingAggregate[Customer] {
type AggregateCommand = CustomerCommand
def newInstance() = Customer(null)
type AggregateEvent = CustomerEvent
def processCommand(aggregate: Customer, command: CustomerCommand) = Try(command match {
case CreateCustomerCommand(name, creditLimit) => Seq(CustomerCreatedEvent(name, creditLimit))
def applyEvent(aggregate: Customer, event: CustomerEvent) = event match {
case CustomerCreatedEvent(newName, _) => aggregate.copy(name=newName)
This repository contains both the client framework code and the Customer-Order example application from the presentation.
Note: some tests use an embedded Event Store but to test and run the service you will need credentials for the Event Store Server.