Automatically add the kali repo and install all Kali linux tools
- Add Kali linux repositories
- Remove kali linux repositories
- Install Kali linux tools
- Python 2.7
- An (debian based) operating system (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)
sudo su
apt install python2
git clone && cp katoolin/ /usr/bin/katoolin
chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin
sudo katoolin
- Typing the number of a tool will install it
- Typing 0 will install all Kali Linux tools
- back : Go back
- gohome : Go to the main menu
- By installing armitage , you will install metasploit
once you installed the tools you needed please remove all Kali-linux repositories as this can seriously fuck up your install if you try to update
Please visit
this project was forked from
i just added some fix as the project dont seems to be actively maintained anymore
- improve UI (reduce the number of step to install a package, auto add the repo and delete once installed)
- move to python 3