Title: Using Word2Vec-LDA-Word Mover Distance for Comparing the Patterns of Information Seeking and Sharing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Programming Language: Python
This study intends to answer the following research questions through a Malaysian case study:
i. Does public information-seeking has similar patterns as information-sharing on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic?
ii. Do the government announcements show aligned response to the public's interests through information-seeking and sharing during the COVID-19 pandemic
source codes provide upon request
Title: The Vacuum Cleaner Robot 2.0 - FSR-based Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
- Programming Language: Arduino
The aim of this project is to develop a robotic vacuum cleaner which uses Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) as obstacle detection sensor to carry out cleaning task. The objective of this project are shown as follows:
i. Research about the working principle and type of force sensors available
ii. Identify the most appropriate components to construct the vacuum cleaner
robot such as the sensor, motor, microcontroller, control circuit, fan and software, etc
iii. Write algorithm that control the movement of vacuum cleaner robot
iv. Assemble the hardware components according to the circuit diagram