"It is an event Management site ,basically for my college techfest named as 'Gantavya' , this is a web based application which allows users to get registered using a portal provided. It has two dashboards one for student and other for coordinators."
-student will able to view their events in which they are enroll.
-they can even view there profile,edit it aswell.
-they can even get all the details of the events as required.
-fast a easier to get connected with there coordinators.
-coordinator has full responsibilities over the events they were organizing .
-they can made students to get enroll into an events .
-they can register a student.
-they can add other coordinator.
-they are under the admin control.
-they can add , edit events.
This web aplication is thus a full content management application based of nodejs,express,mongo and boostrap. even more frameworks are used to get it into final touch. development is still in progress.