pm-cb is Copyright (C) 2017-2020, E. Choroba
There are two executable programs, pm-cb
and pm-cb-g
. The former
doesn't implement a full chat client (you can't use it to post to the
ChatterBox) and is no longer supported. The latter is a graphical
client to PerlMonks' ChatterBox written in Perl and Tk.
Pull requests welcome!
Install required modules using
cpanm --installdeps .
If your perl
has been compiled with thread support:
perl -MConfig -E 'say "Threads supported" if $Config{useithreads}'
you can simply start the program with
perl pm-cb-g
If threads are not supported, either compile a new perl with threads enabled, e.g.
perlbrew install perl-5.30.0 --as=5.30.0-threads -Dusethreads
perlbrew use 5.30.0-threads
or run the program using MCE::Hobo
perl pm-cb-g --mce_hobo
or with MCE::Child
perl pm-cb-g --mce_child
This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.30 (see the Perl Artistic License and the GNU General Public License, version 1).