Unofficial build of Google Chrome 50 running within a docker container and rendered by the local X Server.
* Vol mount /dev/shm to enable latest versions of Chrome that require more
shared memory.
* User permissions now correlate between host and container. This allows
Google-Chrome downloads to be saved back to the host system by passing
in the local users uid/gid as environment variables.
* Added audio passthrough, however this requires the --privileged argument
to be set. This can be replaced with --device:/dev/snd in Docker 1.7.
* Additional configuration files can now be mounted inside the container
(see example below).
* Additional environment variables can now be passed into the container for
additional ARGS and URL. For example:
-e ARGS=--proxy-pac-url='<Insert URL HERE>' -e URL=
docker run -v $HOME/Downloads:/home/google-chrome/Downloads:rw \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /dev/snd:/dev/snd \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
--privileged \
-e uid=$(id -u) \
-e gid=$(id -g) \
--rm \
--name google-chrome \
Note: If you receive the following Gtk error:
Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: unix:0.0
Simply allow the docker user to communicate with your X session
xhost +local:docker