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Challenger Rust version

Challenger searches for opPoked events for ScribeOptimistic contract. Verifies poke schnorr signature and challenges it, if it's invalid

Usage: challenger [OPTIONS] --rpc-url <RPC_URL>

  -a, --addresses <ADDRESSES>
          ScribeOptimistic contract addresses. Example: `0x891E368fE81cBa2aC6F6cc4b98e684c106e2EF4f`
      --rpc-url <RPC_URL>
          Node HTTP RPC_URL, normally starts with https://****
      --flashbot-rpc-url <FLASHBOT_RPC_URL>
          Flashbot Node HTTP RPC_URL, like
      --secret-key <RAW_SECRET_KEY>
          Private key in format `0x******` or `*******`. If provided, no need to use --keystore
      --keystore <KEYSTORE_PATH>
          Keystore file (NOT FOLDER), path to key .json file. If provided, no need to use --secret-key [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]
      --password <RAW_PASSWORD>
          Key raw password as text
      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          Path to key password file [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]
      --chain-id <CHAIN_ID>
          If no chain_id provided binary will try to get chain_id from given RPC
      --from-block <FROM_BLOCK>
          Block number to start from
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


Starting with private key

challenger --addresses 0x891E368fE81cBa2aC6F6cc4b98e684c106e2EF4f --addresses 0x******* --rpc-url http://localhost:3334 --secret-key 0x******

Starting with key file and password

challenger -a 0x891E368fE81cBa2aC6F6cc4b98e684c106e2EF4f -a 0x******* --rpc-url http://localhost:3334 --keystore /path/to/key.json --password-file /path/to/file

Logging level

By default challenger uses log level info. If you want to get debug information use RUST_LOG=debug env variable !


Rust toolchain

For this project we use the nightly toolchain. To install it, run:

rustup toolchain install nightly

To set the nightly toolchain as the default for folder, run:

rustup override set nightly

As well we provide a rust-toolchain.toml file that sets the nightly toolchain for the project.

Rust analyzer

For rust-analyzer to work correctly, you need to install the nightly toolchain and set it as the default for the folder. Also RUST_TOOLCHAIN environment variable should be set to nightly.

Intellij Example:

settings -> Language & Frameworks -> Rust -> Rustfmt

Add the environment Variable = "RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN": "nightly"

Add Additional argument =  "+nightly"

Zed example:


// Folder-specific settings
// For a full list of overridable settings, and general information on folder-specific settings,
// see the documentation:
  "tab_size": 2,
  "lsp": {
    "rust-analyzer": {
      "initialization_options": {
        "server": {
          "extraEnv": {
            "RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN": "nightly"
        "rustfmt": {
          "extraArgs": ["+nightly"]

Building docker image

SERVER_VERSION have to be same as release but without v, if release is v0.0.10 then SERVER_VERSION=0.0.10

docker build --build-arg SERVER_VERSION=0.0.10 -t challenger .


docker run --rm challenger

Challenger searches for `opPoked` events for `ScribeOptimistic` contract. Verifies poke schnorr signature and challenges it, if it's invalid

Usage: challenger [OPTIONS] --rpc-url <RPC_URL>

  -a, --addresses <ADDRESSES>
          ScribeOptimistic contract addresses. Example: `0x891E368fE81cBa2aC6F6cc4b98e684c106e2EF4f`
      --rpc-url <RPC_URL>
          Node HTTP RPC_URL, normally starts with https://****
      --flashbot-rpc-url <FLASHBOT_RPC_URL>
          Flashbot Node HTTP RPC_URL, like
      --secret-key <RAW_SECRET_KEY>
          Private key in format `0x******` or `*******`. If provided, no need to use --keystore
      --keystore <KEYSTORE_PATH>
          Keystore file (NOT FOLDER), path to key .json file. If provided, no need to use --secret-key [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]
      --password <RAW_PASSWORD>
          Key raw password as text
      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          Path to key password file [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]
      --chain-id <CHAIN_ID>
          If no chain_id provided binary will try to get chain_id from given RPC
      --from-block <FROM_BLOCK>
          Block number to start from
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version
docker run --it --rm --name challenger -e RUST_LOG=debug -a ADDRESS -a ADDRESS2 --rpc-url http://localhost:3334 --secret-key asdfasdfas

Metrics & Health checks

By default challenger exposes metrics and health checks on :9090/metrics route. Metrics are exposed in prometheus format and health checks are exposed in json format.

Health check route is :9090/health.

HTTP_PORT env variable can be used to change the port. Example: HTTP_PORT=8080 will expose metrics on :8080/metrics and health checks on :8080/health.