VZx v1.12.0 Cameron Rd Release Notes
photo credit: arch-ive.org
- Temporary Crash Record Creator UI PR #875
- Make Crashes & Location Crashes fields match for CSV exports PR #879
- Global crash data export for a location: PR #870
- Fixes to Non-CR3 upload tool PR #860
- Give Editors access to Changes pages PR #881
- Renamed blueform column from call_num to crash_id, renames call_num index accordingly, and updates function find_location_for_noncr3_collision. PR #860
- Adds definitions to crash data info modal PR #863
- Adds additional content to the By Year visualization info modal PR #864
- Reorders the charts in the Summary demographics visualization PR #866
- Updates all popovers to modals to improve responsiveness PR #867
- Fixes date picker bug where mobile virtual keyboards opened on tablets PR #868
- Updates By Year & Month visualization with a bar chart, compares 5 year averages to current year totals PR #871 and PR #874
- Remove data quality Alert Banners PR #865 & PR #869
- Fixed the time limit of the data being exported to Socrata: PR #873
- There are now two processes that search for crashes (CR3 or Non-CR3) that do not have a location assigned to them and attempt to associate locations. Different repo (atd-airflow), merged straight to master. Example.
Deploy Notes
- We need to run the migration for updating the injury lookup table in production DB during/after deployment
- We need to run a series of migrations that updates one internal SQL function, renames a table column and renames the name of an index for the blueform table. This will cause the production page to break momentarily while the changes are being applied. PR #860
- There have been updates to the data redrive policy (failed events) for all SQS events (Tech Debt) PR #876