Remove old handles. #2151
3 errors and 10 warnings
Validate ParlaMint-NL
ERROR : Missing 'Sentiment' taxonomy
Validate ParlaMint-NL
ParlaMint-NL validation failed
Validate ParlaMint-NL
Process completed with exit code 1.
Validate ParlaMint-NL
INFO initialize taxonomies with no translations - check if correct(known) ids has been used
Validate ParlaMint-NL
(1st of this type)[Line 6 Sent ParlaMint-NL_2017-01-26-tweedekamer-4.s2]: [L2 Syntax invalid-deprel] Invalid DEPREL value '_'.
Validate ParlaMint-NL
(1st of this type)[Line 6 Sent ParlaMint-NL_2017-01-26-tweedekamer-4.s2]: [L2 Syntax unknown-deprel] Unknown DEPREL label: '_'
Validate ParlaMint-NL
(1st of this type)[Line 14 Sent ParlaMint-NL_2017-01-26-tweedekamer-4.s2]: [L2 Syntax 0-is-not-root] DEPREL must be 'root' if HEAD is 0.
Validate ParlaMint-NL
(1st of this type)::warning::...suppressing further errors regarding Syntax
Validate ParlaMint-NL
(1st of this type)[Line 6 Sent ParlaMint-NL_2017-01-26-tweedekamer-4.s2]: [L2 Format skipped-corrupt-tree] Skipping annotation tests because of corrupt tree structure.
Validate ParlaMint-NL
...suppressing further errors regarding Format
Validate ParlaMint-NL
(1st of this type)::warning::Format errors: 63
Validate ParlaMint-NL
(1st of this type)::warning::Syntax errors: 3492
Validate ParlaMint-NL
(1st of this type)::warning::*** FAILED *** with 3555 errors