A set of matlab codes for reading and analyzing musculoskeletal simulations performed in SIMM and OpenSim.
The code was orginally developed by the KNEE MOdeling and Simulation (KNEEMOS) subgroup in the UW Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (http://uwnmbl.engr.wisc.edu/). Continued development is a collaboration between the UWNMBL and the Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics at ETH Zurich (http://www.movement.ethz.ch/).
Colin Smith
Darryl Thelen
Scott Brandon
Mike Vignos
Rachel Lenhart
Jarred Kaiser
Josh Roth
Anyone is welcome to use this code if you find it helpful. This code is just a collection of scripts we have developed for our own use, so support from the developers will be minimal. There maybe some bugs that have evaded us, therefore it is your responsibility for making sure the code works your uses. Please let us know if you find bugs (and even better if you have fixes) so we can update the repo.