The multideploy
package provides tools for deploying file changes
across multiple GitHub repositories. It’s designed to help you manage
standardized configurations, CI/CD workflows, and other common files
that need to be synchronized across multiple repositories.
You can install the development version of multideploy
GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
uses the gh
package for
GitHub API authentication and querying. Before using multideploy
, make
sure you have a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) set up:
# Set GitHub PAT (or use .Renviron)
Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = askpass::askpass("What is your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)?"))
It’s recommended to store your PAT in your .Renviron
file rather than
in your code.
Here’s an example showing how to deploy a standardized CI workflow file
to multiple repositories using multideploy
# List repositories in an organization matching a pattern
repos <- repos("my-organization", filter_regex = "^api-")
# Deploy a CI workflow file to the selected repositories
results <- file_deploy(
source_file = "templates/check-standard.yml",
target_path = ".github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml",
repos = repos
# View results
The GitHub PAT used for authentication must have the necessary permissions to access and modify the repositories’ workflows.
If you’re looking for more detailed examples on how to use
, we step through the additional features of the package
within this section.
List and filter repositories across users or organizations:
# Get all public repositories for a user
user_repos <- repos("username", type = "public")
# Get repositories for an organization matching a pattern
org_repos <- repos("orgname", filter_regex = "^data-")
# List organizations you have access to
my_orgs <- orgs()
Deploy individual files or sets of files to multiple repositories:
# Deploy a single file
file_deploy("local/path/file.R", "remote/path/file.R", repos)
# Create a mapping of multiple files
mapping <- file_mapping(
"local/lint.R" = ".lintr",
"local/gitignore" = ".gitignore",
dir = "templates/workflows",
pattern = "\\.ya?ml$",
target_prefix = ".github/workflows/"
# Create pull requests with multiple file changes
repos = repos,
branch_name = "feature/standardize-workflows",
title = "Standardize CI workflows",
body = "Implements organization-wide CI workflow standards",
file_mapping = mapping
Preview changes before making them:
# Preview changes without making them
file_deploy("local/file.R", "remote/file.R", repos, dry_run = TRUE)
# Preview PR creation
pr_create(repos, "branch-name", "PR Title", "PR Body", mapping, dry_run = TRUE)
AGPL (>= 3)