hunter-game is a work-in-progress adventure game and demonstration of tds-engine.
hunter-game was written alongside tds-engine
To compile the game, you must have premake4 installed.
Make sure that you have compiled tds-engine and installed it.
Execute premake4 gmake
to generate the makefile.
Execute make
to compile the game in debug mode.
Execute make config=release
to compile the game in release mode.
hunter uses Lua for configuration.
hunter.lua contains the local game configuration:
`save` is an integer variable designating the save index to use.
tds.lua contains the engine configuration:
`width` is an integer variable designating the width of the target display [default: 640]
`height` is an integer variable designating the height of the target display [default: 480]
`fullscreen` is a boolean variable designating whether the game should be fullscreen [default: false]
`verticalsync` is an integer variable designating the vertical sync interval (1 -> normal vsync, 2 -> vsync at 1/2 FPS, etc) [default: 0]
`msaa` is an integer variable designating the number of samples for MSAA [default: 0]