This library contains medium and low-level APIs for working with OCI images, which are basically a directory with blobs and JSON files for metadata.
This library makes use of cap-std to operate in a capability-oriented fashion. In practice, the code in this project is well tested and would not traverse outside its own path root. However, using capabilities is a generally good idea when operating in the container ecosystem, in particular when actively processing tar streams.
To access an existing OCI directory:
# use ocidir::cap_std;
# use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
# fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let d = cap_std::fs::Dir::open_ambient_dir("/path/to/ocidir", cap_std::ambient_authority())?;
let d = ocidir::OciDir::open(d)?;
println!("{:?}", d.read_index()?);
# Ok(())
# }