Python application to solve sudoku puzzles
Sudoku solver that can operate in two modes headless
and gui
- Solves sudoku duh!
- Displays time taken to solve
- Operation counts
- Ability to input a puzzle to be solved
- Can generate a new puzzle that you can input or ask to be solved
- Can supply a puzzle in two ways
- Will output the solved puzzle to either console or a file depending on parameter supplied
Built and tested with python 3.11.6
, all dependencies are frozen and pinned in requirements.txt
Follow the steps in Setup first
There is argument parsing at all levels, just tack on -h to see usage instructions, examples:
python -h
python gui -h
python headless oneliner -h
python gui
python headless oneliner 0,0,1,2,6,0...
python headless file puzzle.txt
- Setup python virtual environment
python -m venv venv
- Activate and install dependencies
source venv/bin/activate && \
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python -m unittest discover -s tests -v