This repository hosts a few addons for Eclipse Kura™.
Also see:
In order to compile all bundles yourself, simply clone this repository and issue the following command:
mvn clean install
This should build you all modules which also got uploaded to Maven Central.
In order to build other addons just change into the directory and issue mvn install
cd examples
mvn clean install
Allows to dynamically load additional OSGi bundles from the file system.
Provides the Camel AMQP endpoint.
Provides the Camel OPC UA server and client endpoint.
Provides the Camel MQTT endpoint.
Provides the Camel SNMP endpoint.
Provides the Camel NeoSCADA endpoint.
Provides the Camel Groovy language extension.
Provides the Camel HTTP4 endpoint.
Provides the Camel IEC 60870-5-104 server and client endpoint.
Provides the Camel Jetty endpoint.
Provides Camel Swagger support.
Provides the Camel OpenWeather endpoint.
Provide Gogo shell commands for interacting with the OSGi ConfigAdmin. Note: This OSGi ConfigAdmin is something different than the Kura Config Service.
Provies an OSGi JMX Management Model Specification implementation, backed by Apache Aries.
Provides the Jolokia JMX remote API. Including a configurable component for Kura.