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ZTF Crossmatching and Ingest

This repository contains tools for loading data from the Zwicky Transient Facility into a format suitable for analysis with Spark. The input are "match files" containing the photometry performed on the original science images, not the difference images. The input files are organized by readout channel (per CCD and per amplifier), then by on-sky field ID. Inside each of these per channel, per field, files, sources are crossmatched and repeat measurements of the same source on the sky are identified with a common "matchid", yielding a light curve for that source.

From this starting point, there are a few improvements that are necessary to maximize the utility of the data:

  1. The crossmatches are only performed inside of a single field and readout channel; even if other observations overlap the same region on the sky, the data is not included in the light curve if it was not observed with the same field ID and channel. Data from different filters are also handled separately.

  2. Summary statistics per-source are computed over all observed data, even though some of that data is proprietary to Caltech or to the public MSIP program, and hence not available to the ZTF partners in the match files. For consistency, these need to be recomputed on the available data if they are to be used for selection of sources.

  3. To better support large scale parallel analysis, we need to reformat the data so it is compatible with Spark and our AXS extensions to Spark. This means the data must be partitioned by into narrow bands of declination, often called "zones", and with small amounts of data duplication on the zone edges, to enable fast crossmatching with other catalogs. We also coalesce multiple measurements of each source into a single row containing many array columns, so that light curve processing can operate directly on rows without the need for a "GROUP BY" operation. These operations all depend on storing the data in parquet files to enable access from Spark. Additionally, we create a new globally-unique matchid field to replace the file-specific IDs in the original data.

Ingest Overview

A high-level overview of how these tools accomplish the above goals is as follows:

  1. Individual hdf5 files are converted to parquet files, one-for-one. This merges both "sources" and "transients", adds a globally-unique ID and a "zone" id, duplicates data on zone boundaries, discards the summary statistics, and performs column type conversion where necessary.

  2. The ensemble of parquet files are loaded as a single Spark Dataframe. A self-join is performed to crossmatch the data with itself, to identify multiple records of the same source across different fields or channels.

  3. The crossmatches are filtered so that each "family" of matches results in a single set of records, each with a the same primary match ID. The goal is for a GROUP BY operation to be able to select the entire set of light curves that should be merged, without leaving additional pieces of the same match family leaking out. This is performed per-zone to enable parallelism,

  4. Sources that appear twice, because they are in the overlap region near zone boundaries, are resolved and filtered in order to keep only a single copy of each light curve.

  5. Steps 2 through 4 operate only on the columns necessary for crossmatching and identification of records; they do not cary the full photometric data with them. The last step is to perform the "big join" that combines the photometric data with the properly crossmatched and de-duplicated source records, coalescing multiple measurements into array columns, and writing out the data in an AXS-compatible format.

Detailed Ingest Steps

  1. Run This converts each hdf5 matchfile into two parquet files; one suffiexed with _data containing sourcedata and transientdata, and another suffixed by _pos which contains only the matchid, ra, and dec values for sources and transients. Records in the positional table are assigned to zones (currently 1 arcminute wide in dec and 1 degree in RA), and records falling within 5 arcseconds of a zone boundary are duplicated into the neighboring zone. Rows in the _data tables are not duplicated.

  2. Crossmatch inside of each zone. This is performed by the "crossmatch" task in ztf-ingest.jar. The SQL statement this task runs is:

    SELECT, ztf.matchid as id1, ztf.ra as ra1, ztf.dec as dec1,
           ztf2.matchid as id2,ztf2.ra as ra2, ztf2.dec as dec2
    FROM ztf
    JOIN ztf as ztf2 ON =
                     AND (ztf.ra > ztf2.ra - 1.5/3600.0)
                     AND (ztf.ra < ztf2.ra + 1.5/3600.0)
    WHERE pow(ztf.ra - ztf2.ra, 2) + pow(ztf.dec - ztf2.dec, 2) < pow(1.5/3600.0,2)

    The task then takes these matches and identifies unique sets of matching sources, which will be grouped into a single match. Because this is done in parallel per-zone, sources in the overlap regions will appear multiple times and these duplicates must be filtered. This task performs this filtering by computing the mean position of all the sources for a given match, and removes any where the mean position is not inside the area defined for the sources' zone.

    This task tends to cause garbage collection thrashing when run in standalone mode, so adding lots of driver memory is helpful. An example submission looks like:

    spark-submit --master 'local[5]' \
    --driver-java-options "-XX:+UseG1GC " \
    --driver-memory 100G --conf spark.memory.offHeap.enabled=true \
    --conf spark.memory.offHeap.size=60G ztf-ingest_2.11-1.0.jar crossmatch

    This task writes out resolved_pairs.parquet

  3. Join the full parquet dataset (generated in Step 1) with the deduplicated matchid pairings; tagging each record with the primary matchid which it should be grouped into. In the same query, the records are grouped by the primary matchid and the measurement columns are concatenated into arrays. This is performed by the "joindata" task, which writes out big_join.parquet. This took about 58 hours to run with 10 executors.

Match IDs

The format of the globally-unique match IDs is TFFFFRRfssssss.

  • T: Type; 1 for source, 0 for transient.
  • F: Field ID, 4 digits.
  • R: Readout channel ID (combined CCD and amp)
  • f: Filter ID, 1 digit (1:g, 2:R, 3:i).
  • s: matchID from the original matchfile, 6 digits.


  • Add additional convenience fields, such as nobs per filter, mean magnitudes per band.
  • Optimization of memory usage in crossmatch task.


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