How about knowing more about what I'm sharing here on GitHub?
So I put together a list of links to some of my public repositories. It's more organized than just browsing on the Repositories page ๐
- B3 Stock Exchange API: Historical quotes data in a free JSON file based API;
- Leitor De Notas: the interface of a web app that reads and displays data from brokerage notes of the stock market;
- SafeLink Verifier: A free tool to check if links are safe.
- OAuth Provider Demo: a demo OAuth provider that you can use to test your client applications;
- Vtex Facebook Pixel App: an app for Vtex Ecommerce platform to easily install FB Pixel tracker;
- iCloud Album Downloader: a web app for downloading photos from public shared iCloud albums;
- Wordpress Flickr Theme: a Wordpress theme for Flickr photographers;
- VakaPHP: a long time ago, I decided to create my own PHP framework;
- jQuery Keyboard Code: a jQuery plugin that calls a function when the Konami Code is typed or any other set key sequence;
- youmightnotneedjquery: added support for Arrays in an object deep extend/clone method for ES5;
- easyselectbox: added support for a callback function triggered on "change" event in selectbox HTML element;
- lz string php: fixed the call for a class static method on PHP 5.3;
- eslint-config: helped to create ESLint rules for both TypeScript and JavaScript.
A few years ago, while working in the VTEX environment, I open-sourced some plugins that we used during our development process.
The code is now outdated and the repositories haven't received updates for a long time. However, before judging the code, please consider that we had to support Internet Explorer 6 back then ๐
Repositories list:
- QD Infinity Scroll: a jQuery plugin to automatically load the next page when scrolling down on pages with pagination;
- VTEX Cores Prateleira: a jQuery plugin that displays all SKUs of a product on the shelf and makes it interactive;
- VTEX Smart Research: a jQuery plugin that enhances the search filter, making it more powerful and easy to use;
- VTEX Smart Menu: a jQuery plugin that extends the VTEX menu with dynamic content, banners, and more;
- VTEX Smart Cart: a jQuery plugin that adds the cart preview feature to VTEX stores;
- VTEX Count Down: a jQuery plugin that adds a countdown to discounts that have a limited time.