This service provides a cloud-based online bookmanager for individualized learning material managed via cyberaide bookmanager yaml files
Cyeraide bookamanger code is available from
Cyberaide bookmanager that can create books based on markdown files that are distributed online in github. The table of content is managed through a YAML file. Cyberaide bookmanager-service can read these yaml files and present a graphical user interface that allows us to check on specific sections and change the order through a convenient tree view.
We assume you have docker installed and use a Vvenv called BOOK:
python3.8 -m venv ~/BOOK
source ~/BOOK/bin/activate
In the activated vm do
cd ~
mkdir cm
cd cm
pip install cyberaide-bookmanager
cd bookmanager-service
make image
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
In your web browser open
Make sure to close the container with CTRL-C once done.
More instaltion instruction can be found in the Manual (alpha)
A container is available but we have not yet documented how to use it
The book tamplates are in
you should be able to modify them in your local copy.
- Selecting a chapter should automatically select the parents. This is not yet implemented.
- REFERENCES must always bee checked on.
- The container is not yet using mount or the host network.
- This has only ben tested on macOS
Nitesh and Gregor. Please contact Gregor von Laszewski for more information.
Bookmanager command line tool links: