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Redux Requests

Build Status

Library for simple redux requests


This module is in its early stages and until it reaches its first major version it may be unstable, with potentially breaking changes with new minor version releases.

Patch version changes will include both minor changes and patches.


Install via NPM:

npm install @dabapps/redux-requests --save

If you are using a version of npm that doesn't support package lock files, we'd recommend installing with the --save-exact flag to pin to a specific version in your package.json.

Getting Started


You will need redux-thunk installed and applied as a middleware for actions to be correctly dispatched.

Creating request actions

When defining a new request, you will need to first define an actionset, using makeAsyncActionSet. This will give you a set of three actions that your reducers can then key off of.

const GET_USER = makeAsyncActionSet('GET_USER');


Launching an action is as simple as calling request, with the actionset as the first argument, then the URL, then the method, and then the data.

This returns a thunk action, and should be returned from an action creator, as below.

const getUser = (data) => {
  return request(GET_USER, '/api/user/', 'GET', data);

request also takes an additional argument - a dictionary with the following optional keys:

  • tag - for name-spacing requests if you plan to make multiple calls to the same point with different parameters.
  • metaData - for storing additional data about the request that will not be forwarded to the server.
  • headers - for allowing the setting of custom headers on the request.
  • shouldRethrow - a callback that takes the error object, and can return true if you want the Promise to fail instead of digest the error.
const getUser = (data) => {
  return request(GET_USER, '/api/user/', 'GET', data, {
    tag: 'users-list',
    headers: {Authorization: TOKEN}

If you need to pass additional parameters to the Axios call, we supply an additional function requestWithConfig. Using this you can pass any additional option that Axios can handle.

  • actionSet - Async action set.
  • axoisConfig - Axios configuration object as described in the axios documentation.
  • options - An options object, containing the optional parameters shouldRethrow and tag.
  • extraMeta - Additional meta data in the form of a Dict.
const getUser = (data) => {
  return requestWithConfig(GET_USER, {
      url: '/api/user/',
      method: 'GET',
      data: data,
      headers: {Authorization: TOKEN}
    }, {
      tag: 'users-list'

Once launched, individual actions for REQUEST, SUCCESS and FAILURE will be dispatched, as well as actions to control the REQUEST_STATE, which is consumed by responsesReducer, should you choose to use it.

Internally, request uses a function called requestFromFunction, which instead wraps a callback that produces an Axios request. You can use this in advance cases, if you need finer-grained control over how the request is made.

request(GET_USER, () => axios({ /* some config */}), additionalConfig);

Keeping track of request states and errors

If you do not plan to keep track of the state of requests yourself, we also provide a helper reducer, plus some additional actions for managing its state.

Mount responsesReducer in your store, with the type ResponsesReducerState. This will keep track of all requests, accessible via the helper functions isPending, hasFailed, hasSucceeded, anyPending, and getErrorData. An action called resetRequestState can be fired to clear out any stored data.

interface StoreState {
  responses: ResponsesReducerState;

const store = createStore(combineReducers({
  responses: responsesReducer

To access loading states and error messages with react-redux, you can use the various helper functions within your mapStateToProps function.

function mapStateToProps (state: StoreState) {
  return {
    userIsLoading: isPending(state.responses, GET_USER),
    anythingIsLoading: anyPending(state.responses, [UPDATE_USER, GET_USER]),
    hasErrors: hasFailed(state.responses, GET_USER),
    errors: getErrorData(state.responses, GET_USER)

Keeping track of request data

To store response data you will need to create a custom reducer that handles the various request states.

Here you can handle transforming the responses, and clearing data, for example, upon request, or if a request fails.

function user (state: User | null = null, action: AnyAction) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return null;
      return state;

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