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A statically typed and interpreted programming language written in Kotlin

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The Leaf Programming Language

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The Leaf programming language is a statically and strongly typed, lexically scoped and interpreted programming language using type inference that allows the developer to implement traits and custom types. It is object oriented (i.e. supports subtyping and polymorphism), but does not support inheritance because typically, it is a common source of maintainability issues.

This programming language was written for educational purposes only. It showcases some concepts I learned in my Masters computer science courses at TU Vienna.

(influenced by TypeScript, Kotlin, Go, Eiffel, ML)


The formal language definition in Backus-Naur form looks like the following. Feel free to implement it yourself.


<program>    ::= <statements>
<block>      ::= '{' (NL)* <statements> (NL)* '}'

<statements> ::= <statement> ((';' | (NL)*) <statement>)*
<statement>  ::= ('const' | 'var') (NL)* <declaration>
               | 'return' ((NL)* <expr>)?
               | 'break'
               | 'continue'
               | <trait-declaration>
               | <type-declaration>
               | <assignment>
               | <use-stmt>
               | <loop-stmt>
               | <expr>

<use-stmt> ::= 'use' (NL)* '(' (NL)* <string> (NL)* (',' (NL)* <string> (NL)*)*  ')'


<fun-declaration> ::= 'fun' (NL)* (<fun-extension> (NL)*)? (<name> (NL)*)?
                       (<fun-params> (NL)*)?
                       (<fun-requires> (NL)*)?
                       (<fun-ensures> (NL)*)?
                       (<fun-returns> (NL)*)?

<fun-extension> ::= '<' <type> (NL)* (',' (NL)* <type> (NL)*)* '>' (NL)* '.'
<fun-params>    ::= '(' (NL)* <declarations> (NL)* ')'
<fun-requires>  ::= ':' (NL)* <expr>
<fun-ensures>   ::= ':' (NL)* <expr>
<fun-return>    ::= '->' (NL)* <type>
<fun-body>      ::= <block>
                  | ('=' (NL)* <statement>)


<if-expr> ::= 'if' ((NL)* <expr> (NL)* <block>)
                   ((NL)* <else-if>)*
                   ((NL)* <else>)?

<else-if> ::= 'else' (NL)* 'if' (NL)* <expr> (NL)* <block>
<else>    ::= 'else' (NL)*                         <block>


<loop-stmt> ::= 'loop' ((NL)* <loop-init>)?
                       ((NL)* <loop-cond>)?
                       ((NL)* <loop-step>)?
                       ((NL)* <loop-body>)

<loop-init> ::= <statement>
<loop-cond> ::= ':' (NL)* <expr>
<loop-step> ::= ':' (NL)* <statement>
<loop-body> ::= <block>

Custom Types

<trait-declaration> ::= 'trait' (NL)* <name> (NL)*
<type-declaration>  ::= 'type' (NL)* <name> (NL)*

<trait-list> ::= ':' (NL)* <name> (NL)* (',' (NL)* <name> (NL)*)* 
<type-body>  ::= '{' (NL)* (<declarations> (NL)*)* '}'

<type-inst>  ::= 'new' <name> ('{' (NL)* <inst-body> (NL)* '}')?
<inst-body>  ::= (<inst-value> (NL)* (',' (NL)* <inst-value> (NL)*)* )?
<inst-value> ::= (<name> '=')? <expr>


<declarations> ::= <declaration> (NL)* (',' (NL)* <declaration>)*
<declaration>  ::= <name> (NL)* (':' (NL)* <type>)? ('=' (NL)* <expr>)?
<assignment>   ::= <var> ('=' <expr>)?

Expressions & Precedence

<expr>     ::= <equ-expr> ((NL)* ( '&&' | '||' ) (NL)* <equ-expr>)*
<equ-expr> ::= <rel-expr> ((NL)* ( '==' | '!=' ) (NL)* <rel-expr>)*
<rel-expr> ::= <ran-expr> ((NL)* ( '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' ) (NL)* <ran-expr>)*
<ran-expr> ::= <add-expr> ((NL)* ( '..' ) (NL)* <add-expr>)*
<add-expr> ::= <mul-expr> ((NL)* ( '+' | '-' ) (NL)* <mul-expr>)*
<mul-expr> ::= <prefix-expr> ((NL)* ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) (NL)* <prefix-expr>)*
<pre-expr> ::= ('!' | '+' | '-' | '~')? <atom>
<arr-expr> ::= '[' (NL)* (<expr> ((NL)* ',' (NL)* <expr>)*)? (NL)* ']'


<var> ::= <name>
        | <name> (NL)* '.' (NL)* <name>
        | <name> (NL)* '[' (NL)* <expr> (NL*) ']'
        | <name> (NL)* '(' (NL)* (<expr> ((NL)* ',' (NL)* <expr>))? (NL)* ')'

Atom & Delegation

<atom> ::= <bool> | <number> | <string> | <var>
         | '(' <expr> ')'
         | <assignment>
         | <type-inst>
         | <arr-expr>
         | <if-expr>
         | <fun-declaration>
         | <coroutine>
         | <block>
         | <empty>

<name>  ::= IDENTIFIER
<type>  ::= <number> | <bool> | <string> | <array> | <fun> | <name>
<empty> ::= ()

Turing Completeness

Turing completeness can be shown by implementing a mapping between the WHILE and the Leaf programming language. The WHILE programming language is proven to be Turing complete and is defined as follows:

<C> ::= <L> := <E>
      | 'if' <B> 'then' <C> 'else' <C>
      | 'while' <B> 'do' <C>
      | <C>;<C>
      | skip

<B> ::= 'true' | 'false' | <E> '=' <E> | <B> '&' <B> | '-' <B>
<E> ::= <L> | n | (E + E)

The (bidirectional) mapping from WHILE to Leaf can be implemented as isomorphism function and looks like the following (WHILE on the left hand side and Leaf on the right hand side):

<C> <=> <declaration> | <assignment>
      | <if-expr>
      | <loop-stmt>
      | <statements>
      | <empty>

<B> <=> 'true' | 'false' | <expr>
<E> <=> <expr>
<L> <=> <name>

Therefore, every program written in WHILE can also be expressed in Leaf without loss of semantic meaning. The proof is complete and Turing completeness has been shown.

Example Programs

use (

trait Eats
fun <Eats>.eat()
fun <Eats>.hungry()

trait Talks
fun <Talks>.talk()

type Dog : Eats, Talks { fed: bool }
type Cat : Eats, Talks { fed: bool }

// Types implement functions by specifying them as extensions
fun <Dog>.talk = println("Wuff wuff")
fun <Cat>.talk = println("Miau Purrrr...")

fun <Cat, Dog>.hungry = !object.fed
fun <Cat, Dog>.eat {
  object.fed = true
  println("That was delicious")

// The programming language also supports pre- and postconditions
// (also known as variant and covariant). The application will throw
// an error if one of those is not fullfilled.
// The first statement after the parameter list and after the ':' symbol
// is the precondition that the parameters have to fulfill. The statement
// after that is the postcondition. The '_' is a reserved token and
// represents the returned value.
fun feed(eater: Eats) : eater.hungry() : !(_.hungry()) -> Eats {
  return eater

fun main {
  // Constants must be initialized on declaration and cannot
  // be modified at a later stage.
  const pi: number = 3.141592654;
  const square = fun (x: number) -> number = x * x
  const pet = new Dog { false }
  loop pet.hungry() {
  const num = 77
  if square(num) < 10 {
    println("Square root of " + num + " is less than 10")
  println(~(-7+3*9))    // -21



The following program shows a very simple example on how recursion can be implemented. The function does not return any value and is invoked 5 times:

fun recursion(a: number) = if a > 0 { recursion(a - 1) }


Other programming languages often times only implement if-statements. This means, that if cannot be used to return any value directly. This programming language (similar to Kotlin), however, provides if-expressions.

const someValue = ...
const res = if someValue > 0 {
  someValue * 100
} else {

This can be very useful in combination with single expression functions (like in the recursion example above). It also allows for rather weird and hard to comprehend expressions. So it is up to the developer to use them with caution. The example below is a correct and sound statement where res will be 10 after execution:

const res = if if if if true { true } else { false } { true } { 1 == 1 } { 10 }


Lambdas are typically used to implement some sort of functional programming pattern that focuses on the computational part of a problem. Lambdas can be used as follows:

fun compute(a: fun, b: fun) -> number = a(5,5) * b(10,8)

// Result is 20
  fun (a: number, b: number) -> number = a * b,
  fun (a: number, b: number) -> number = a % b)


Besides the standard data types like number or bool, the language also supports custom data types that can be extended with functions. Function definitions are not allowed in the custom type definition body but must be defined outside. The following example shows a typical type definition:

type Dog {
  name: string

type Human {
  name: string
  age = 27

These types can be extended using functions:

fun <Human, Dog>.sayHi -> string = + " says Hi!"

Extension functions can be applied on multiple types at the same time. Leaf will use dynamic structural typing on object if for the case above. This function can be executed like:

const me = new Human { "Daniel" }


Besides basic types, the programming language also supports so called traits. A trait is a special kind of type that allows design by contract. Using traits, different developers can create separate modules while still enforcing certain requirements. A trait can be compared to an interface in programming languages like Kotlin or TypeScript.

trait ComparesPositive
fun <ComparesPositive>.compare(n: number) : n > 0 -> number

A custom type then has to implement this trait to allow proper subtyping. Traits are also one of the fundamental aspects when it comes to object-oriented programming paradigms in this programming language:

type Age : ComparesPositive {
  age: number

fun <Age>.compare(n: number) {
  return object.age - n



A statically typed and interpreted programming language written in Kotlin







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