The application is a simulation of a toy robot moving on a square table top, of dimensions 5 units x 5 units. gtest
- GTest
- GoogleTestAdapter Visual studio extension
- Visual Studio 2019, run ToyRobot Project
- Input is processed via command line in order e.g.
- ./ToyRobot.exe PLACE 0,0,NORTH
- ./ToyRobot.exe PLACE 3,4,EAST MOVE REPORT
- using Gtest Framework
- There is a specific Post Build step in the Main project to build the executable as a library, then we can link that library against our Test project
- ToyRobot Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > Build Events > Post Build Event > Command Line
- lib /NOLOGO /OUT:"$(OutDir)$(TargetName).lib"
- ToyRobot Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > Build Events > Post Build Event > Command Line
- Early Return pattern
- validate input as early as possible to avoid wasted compute
- since input is validated early, we can assume clean data later on
- Focusing on code readability over effeciency
- makes use of the std library where appropriate
- State can stored as a file or other means if necesarry
- Some tests are failing, I have left them in as talking points about the program