is the CLI tool for Darwinia Bridge, which is a cross-chain bridge currently supports bidirectional cross chain relay between Ethereum and Darwinia.
Darwinia supports the cross-chain bridge of Ethereum by implementing an Ethereum light client(Darwinia ChainRelay) on its chain. Therefore, someone needs to submit the Ethereum block headers to this light client. dj
is such a tool, anyone can use it to submit block headers to the Ethereum light client on Darwinia and get rewards.
Darwinia ChainRelay is a sub-linear light client, which means it does not store every block header of the blockchain it monitors. When initialized, it contains only one block, which is the genesis block. When a relayer submits a new block header, it might be the block header of height 10,000 or even higher. There are huge blanks in-between. If another relayer does not agree and submits a different block header claiming that's the block header data at the height of 10,000. How does ChainRelay resolve this conflict, and who is going to be the judge?
Once a block header is submitted, it provides block header hash and its mmr_root of all previous block header hashes till genesis block. Therefore, if a block header submission is in question, ChainRelay will challenge the relayer for a prior block header data or more specified by a sampling function. That block header hashes must be a leaf or leaves of previously submitted mmr_root. In this way, if an adversary tries to fool ChainRelay, he must prepare the whole chain, while each block must comply with consensus rule. The attack difficulty equals attacking the original blockchain network.
Ethereum Relay on Darwinia can verify specific transactions of Ethereum based on mmr_root, such as redeem of RING, KTON and deposit.
The redeem of KTON and RING is in the Issuing contract, and the redeem of the deposit is in the burnAndRedeem method of the GringottsBankV2 contract. BurnAndRedeem token need to pay the bridge fee, the basic token of the fees is RING. Therefore, it is necessary to approve a amount of RING to the Issuing contract before operation to ensure execution of the contract. Ethereum Relay on Darwinia confirms the amount of redeem, receiver, sender, etc. through the tx events in the verification.
It is recommended to use nvm for installing nodejs. version 8.x and above will be better.
used to sign and send extrinsics. The easiest way is to generate an account in the web wallet and write down themnemonic seed
during the generation process. For more information, please refer to this tutorial. -
(Optional) docker
(Optional) A local darwinia crab network node if you want to test with a local node.
yarn global add @darwinia/dj
Now you can type dj
in your command-line:
> dj -h
dj: illegal option -- -
usage: dj [-v verbose-mode] [-c edit-config]
By default, dj
is configured to point to the Infura Ethereum node and the official Darwinia crab network node. So you can immediately start using dj
to submit Ethereum block headers to the Darwinia crab network and get rewards.
dj -v
When the dj
command is executed for the first time, you will be asked to input a seed. At this time, you need to enter the seed you have prepared and press Enter to continue.
You can see the submission result in a few minutes. If ok
appears, it means the submission is successful. If reject
appears, xxx.
If you want to change your seed, run dj -e
, replace the original seed and save it.
For more information about configuration, see the configuration section.
As mentioned earlier, dj
configuration file is <your home directory>/.darwinia/config.json
, there are three configuration items:
darwinia node websocket url.
used to sign and send extrinsics bydj
shadow proposal endpoint ur
shadow is a service for
to fetch ethereum headers with proof.For more information about shadow, see the Shadow service section.
Run node
It is recommended to use docker to run Darwinia node.
Find the latest version from the releases, and then pull its docker image.
docker pull darwinianetwork/darwinia:v0.6.7
After the image is successfully pulled, run:
docker run -it -p 9944:9944 darwinianetwork/darwinia:v0.6.7 --chain crab --rpc-methods=unsafe --rpc-external=true --ws-external=true --rpc-cors=all
Now, you got a local node running locally, and wait for the sync to complete.
to point it to your local nodeOpen the file with an editor and replace the
and save it.{ "node": "ws://", "seed": "...", "shadow": "..." }
Under development, currently not supported
Shadow is a service used by dj
to retrieve header data and generate proof. Shadow will index the data it needs from blockchain nodes, such as Ethereum and Darwinia.
uses the official shadow service by default, if you don’t want to use the official service, you can run the service yourself, and then configure dj
to use it.
n- Install
# install rust and cargo
$ curl -sSf | sh
# install shadow
$ cargo install darwinia-shadow
shadow run --verbose --fetch
to point it to your local shadow service{ "node": "...", "seed": "...", "shadow": "" }
Run your darwinia node in dev
docker run -it -p 9944:9944 darwinianetwork/darwinia:v0.6.7 --chain crab-dev --rpc-methods=unsafe --rpc-external=true --ws-external=true --rpc-cors=all
Run your shadow service
shadow run --verbose --fetch
Configure your dj
Edit your
{ "node": "ws://", "seed": "//Alice", "shadow": "" }
Run dj to submit header to your local dev node
dj -v
event BurnAndRedeem(address indexed token, address indexed from, uint256 amount, bytes receiver);
The event generates at Issuing(token_redeem_address
- Deposit
event BurnAndRedeem(uint256 indexed _depositID, address _depositor, uint48 _months, uint48 _startAt, uint64 _unitInterest, uint128 _value, bytes _data);
The event generates at GringottsBankV2(deposit_redeem_address
): 0xb52FBE2B925ab79a821b261C82c5Ba0814AAA5e0 - KTON(
): 0x1994100c58753793D52c6f457f189aa3ce9cEe94 - Issuing(
): 0x49262B932E439271d05634c32978294C7Ea15d0C - GringottsBankV2(
): 0x6EF538314829EfA8386Fc43386cB13B4e0A67D1e
- Redeem RING
- Redeem KTON
- Redeem Deposit
is a typescript project. You need to install nodejs
, yarn
and ts-node
and ready to go.
git clone
cd dj
yarn install
ts-node index.ts help
# run dj
ts-node index.ts
# run dj subcommand
ts-node index.ts config
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Before you report a bug, please make sure you've searched existing issues.