The objective of this project was to show the 10 top hasthag related to another hashtag.
To get a copy of these project install git bash, open it from the command line and use $ git clone:
Then, open the root directory and run
$ npm install
Once it finishes, open the frontend folder and run npm install again.
To deploy the application return to the root directory and run $ npm start
Firstly, you need to install nodeJS, the installer can be downloaded from: Be sure to select the install npm option and the addToPATH option during the installation process.
Secondly, install mongoDB in your local environment. Follow the instructions on the link below to get it:
It´s recommended to have yarn installed, because it makes the use of the React front-end easier. To install it use:
$ npm install -g yarn
Go to the root directory and run the npm install command.
$ npm install
Go to the frontend directory and run the npm install command.
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
Return to the root dirctory and run nodemon server.js
$ nodemon server.js
Once again, go to the frontend and run yarn start
$ yarn start
Front end should be running in localhost:3000, while the server should be running in localhost:5000
To deploy the application on a live environment, you should go to the front end directory and run
yarn build
This should generate a build folder.
Finally, modify the server.js file located in the root directory so that it serves the files inside build folder as static content
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "frontend/build")));
- React - The javascript library used to develop the front-end.
- NPM - Dependency Management
- Express - The web framework used.
- MongoDB - The databased used.
- Andrés David Laiton - daviddlaiton
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details