Releases: davidhaw/SafeFile
SafeFile GUI v1
SafeFile v1.1
In v1.1, whenever you do encrypt with ceaser cypher, it will also make a file textE.txt in the same folder as the jar. If you do not want this file, then delete it after encrypting with ceaser Cypher. THIS WILL OVERWRITE ANY EXISTNIG FILE NAMED textE.txt IN THE SAME FOLDER.
SafeFile v1
In the first full release, SafeFile getsAlphaNum encryption and decryption! AlphaNum is something that I came up with, and it works by first putting all the characters into their Unicode number and then doing multiplication in order the encrypt them. If an big enough math equation with big numbers is done, then this encryption could be quite secure.
SafeFile v0.2
This pre-release of SafeFile adds in decryption of the Ceaser Cypher. More cyphers and hopefully an gui will be added in the future.
SafeFile v0.1
This is the barebones of the program, without any GUI or decryption. I was having troubles with adding decryption, so that will be an top priority along with an GUI and more encryption methods.
In the console, cmd, or terminal, use the command java -jar SafeFilev0.1.jar to run. You will need to have Java already installed and be in the same folder. If it doesn't work, then google how to run .jars in your OS and recheck the command