I broke our 20+ year old garage door opener...pieces flew everwhere in a glorious demise. The new "garage bot" is wifi enabled, so of course I must tinker. It's nothing mind-blowing, but it has been a good excuse to spend some time using a variety of things I've been wanting to explore:
- Flurl HTTP Client
- SkiaSharp SVG
- Reactive Extensions and ReactiveUI
- Xamarin.Forms CSS Stylesheets
- Azure Cognitive Services and Bing Speech Recognition
Talking to the MyQ API. Supported actions:
- Login
- GetDevices
- GetDeviceState
- SetDeviceState (open and close)
If you want to use the MyQ API and (obviously) have a compatible garage door openeers, setup a Chamberlain or LiftMaster account through their website or app.
API Key required. Be sure to get a key from the link above and add it on the Settings view of the app.
Xamarin.Forms Nightly Builds - https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms/wiki/Nightly-Builds