David Franca - dvdgmf (at)
Sacha Sianni - sacha (at)
Liana Anderson - liana.anderson (at)
Latest updated in: 21 Sep 2017
The current script sentir.r is divided in SIX major sections, just open the code and navigate it using CTRL+F to search for each section. Bellow is a summary copy-pasted from the code:
Section ONE address the loading of a spatial grid that will hold the minimum unit of analysis.
Section TWO loads the fire product from NASA. Detailed info about this product can be found here.
Section TREE-A is the definition of the model function.
Section TREE-B is a sample call of the model function.
Section FOUR concerns the validation of the model output.
Section FIVE holds the scripts for ploting the model data.
library(rgdal) # readOGR
library(dplyr) # summarise
library(raster) # raster
library(ggplot2) # plot
library(maptools) # over